FP3 / Practice Management

Welcome to the Family Medicine Management Rotation. (***Updated 06FEB2023***)

What are the Requirements: These are the recommended topics that are covered this month.


1)  Understand the importance of Medical Home Port Quadruple AIM. This provides an overview of the different areas that the DHs and Directors are responsible for when running a MHP.   Also, DHA HRO’s philosophy of RRC (Ready, Reliable Care) which focuses on improvements such as: standardized practices, Universal Protocol, Team Effort, and Patient Safety.


2) Attend the weekly CMT meeting.  They are held on Wednesdays from 1200 to 1300 in the OB Conference Room. LT Corcoran runs the meetings. The Leadership elements within the clinic attend this meeting. They discuss the way forward with the business aspect of running the clinic to include manning, templates, access to care, etc.  Unfortunately, I do not think they are having these meetings currently. (DEC 2022)


3) Touch base with the Clinic Manager, Mrs. Cecilia Garcia. She will review with you the following topics:  (Mrs. Garcia will be leaving us soon, so if you are not able to meet with her, please notify me)


a) Access To Care- Why is this important? How do we plan for it?

b) Template Management:  24 HR, FTR, VIRT

c) Demand Forecast

d) Access Forecast

e) Data Dashboards: Tricare Operations Center

f) Daily Reporting to DH and DMS- Access to Care


She utilizes the guidance from Defense Health Agency Interim Procedures Memorandum 18-001 Standard Appointing Processes, Procedures, Hours of Operation, Productivity, Performance Measures and Appointment Types in Primary, Specialty and Behavioral Health Care in Medical Treatment Facilities.


4) Recommend getting in contact with a coder to and have them do an audit on your outpatient encounters. You would be amazed on how much you can learn from them. Please see the attachments for coding go-by helpful hints.  Doreen Consulta POC for Teams Blue and Red. Felicia Foster for Teams Green and Gold.


5) Touch base with our DIVO, LT Corcoran.  She is responsible for:

·       Manning, personnel issues, template management, access to care, patient concern/ customer service. 

·       What are Division Officer Files

·       What are Competency Files for Ancillary Staff.


6) Medical Home Port Instruction - BUMEDINST 6300.19. Primary Care Services in Navy Medicine.  I would recommend that you please review so you are well versed with this instruction.


7) As part of the Family Practice Management Month, I would like you to please contact Erin Dragon, RN. She is the Command Disease Manager, Population Health Nurse.

She will be reviewing and discussing the various HEDIS metrics that the command is being graded on.


Please reach out to her via email or by phone : ☎ 858-480-1624  Teleworking


8) I would like you to please touch base with me early to set up a time for you and I to review and discuss MHP and your role as a Physician and Naval Medical Officer Leader at any clinic.


9) Career path for Naval Medical Officer – Medical Corps Career Planning Chart/ Operational Leadership Training Matrix


10) Family Practice Management- Excellent Articles on how to successfully run a primary care clinic.


11) Professional Development – Life after residency.  Recommendations for Financial Management and Leadership. Art of Delegation.


12) Please make sure you reach out to CDR Cummiskey, Director for Healthcare Business, to set up a time to meet with her and her support staff.


This includes but not limited to the following:


*Command Access to Care Manager – Understanding Template Management

*Command Enrollment Manager- Understanding reassignments with PCSing Providers, Catchment Area for the Command, FTE deductions per DHAIPM.

* Health Benefits Advisor- Explaining Eligibility and what it means

* Referral Management- Command Booking Guidelines.  Referral Write Up requirements in accordance with the TRICARE Policy Manual and Command Booking Guidelines.

* Eligibility for care for Veterans at our MTF

* Quadruple Performance Plan- Metrics associated with this reported to DHA. What is the Primary Care Data. How are we being graded. Why is it important to you as a Physicians and Naval Medical Officer.


Who to contact: Dr. Michael Danforth, DO. FAAFP, CAPT (ret), MC, USN, FM Staff


Where: Dr. Danforth’s Office, 2nd Deck Room # 2603, FM Department. During the rotation, multiple locations throughout the hospital.


When:  Before or during the 1st Week of the Rotation. You should be receiving an email the week prior to the rotation from Dr. Danforth.


Outpatient and Call Expectations:


The general template for this rotation month is:


·  FP clinic: Monday AM, Tuesday AM, Wednesday AM/PM, Friday AM (5 half days/week)

·  2 Operational Medicine Days:  Tues Week 1 and Week 3 – Please contact either CAPTs Baldwin, Bayard, or LCDR Koch beforehand to coordinate visits with Fleet Medical Departments

·  Typically, one call weekend (Fri/Sat MOOD call)

Family Practice Management Check List.docx
MC Career Pathway - V21.pdf
Leadership is a Learned Skill FPM OCT 1993.pdf
BUMEDINST 6300.19 Primary Care Services in Navy Medicine.pdf
SIGNED DHAIPM 18001 Standard Processes Procedures and Appointments2 JUL 2019.pdf
Five Steps for Building Your Leadership Skills AFP 2014.pdf