

Endocrinology/Medicine Subspecialty Rotation

Rotation Information

Rotation Coordinator: Dr. Par, available during office hours or by email at emma.j.par.civ@mail.mil

Background: The endocrinology rotation is currently an online didactic-based curriculum (previously a rotation down at NMCSD, potential for that again in the future).

It falls under the ACGME requirement for family medicine programs to “ensure that every resident has exposure to a variety of medical and surgical subspecialties throughout the education program.”

Residents currently have the following options when on their endocrinology rotation:

1) Complete the online endocrine curriculum developed by former NHCP Chief Resident Dr. Ethan Harris: https://nhcpfm.thinkific.com/

2) Complete an elective in a different medicine subspecialty as desired and available. This is optional and self-directed. If you would prefer to complete an elective in a different subspecialty, please coordinate with that department and let Dr. Par know ahead of the rotation start. Potential options at NHCP include:

a. Pulmonology

b. Infectious Diseases

c. Allergy/Immunology

For those who choose to complete the endocrinology curriculum:

Learning Goals/Objectives:

By the end of this four-week rotation, residents will:

1) Develop foundational competency in diagnosis and initial management of:

a. Thyroid disease

b. Pituitary disease

c. Adrenal disorders

d. Diabetes mellitus

e. Osteoporosis and parathyroid disease

f. Hypogonadism and care of transgender person

2) Refine life-long diabetes mellitus management skills through a team-based learning approach

Required Assignments:

In order to successfully pass the rotation, residents must:

1) Complete all required readings and videos on the Thinkific learning platform

a. Keep a file of certificates from the following required practice case quizzes from the online curriculum (should have a total of 4)

i. Ace the Case: A patient with new-onset primary hypothyroidism (Thyroid Practice Case)

ii. Ace the Case: A 73-year-old woman with history of hip fracture, weight gain, progressive weakness, and hypokalemia (Pituitary/Adrenal Practice Case)

iii. Ace the Case: A 45-year-old woman with flank and abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting (Osteoporosis/Parathyroid Practice Case)

iv. Ace the Case: A 60-year-old man with obesity and low testosterone (Hypogonadism Practice Case)

To access the curriculum, navigate to https://nhcpfm.thinkific.com/ and enroll in the Endocrinology Rotation curriculum. You will need to create a free Thinkific account to do so. A suggested rotation calendar is listed in the curriculum.

Please note that completing a morning report on an endocrinology topic is no longer required, but if you are interested in sharing a topic of interest with the residency, please coordinate with our academics team.

Clinical Duties

In addition to the self-guided learning on thinkific.com, residents will also be expected to complete additional continuity clinic and call duties as determined by the residency watchbill coordinators. Typical weeks include 5 half-days of continuity clinic (Monday AM, Tuesday PM, Thursday AM, Friday AM and PM). Call requirements are denoted on amion.com. Typically, residents on the endocrinology rotation will complete a week of SOBI, but this may vary depending on the block.

Leave Policy

Residents are permitted a maximum of five (5) duty days of leave during this rotation which must be processed through the typical resident leave process and policies.