Last Updated April 2022

It is always recommended to review the curriculum and touch base with the resident currently on the rotation 1-week in advance of starting the rotation.

WHO: Dr. Aaron Davis (, Dr. Chase Hughes

WHERE: Begin your day in the inpatient resident charting room (aka “The Pit”).

WHEN: You should discuss your month with the senior resident on the medicine service as well as the chiefs prior to your rotation start. You will likely be covering 2 weekend days during your month. On the first day, arrive to the inpatient medicine “Pit” at 0600 to receive turnover form the night team and take the phone for admissions. Make sure to know who your attending is for the day, if there are any pending admissions that need to be seen, and if the inpatient medicine senior resident needs any assistance. At 1200, you will turn over any admissions and the phone to the team senior resident so you can prepare for your afternoon clinic.

CALL: None.

LEAVE: None.


Additionally you will cover one day of the weekend as senior as well, the other will be covered by the PG3 on Medicine.

You will work highly independently on this rotation. When you prepare and see patients in the ED, you should think of yourself as a hospitalist working independently not as a junior resident. You should not be coming to staff the patient without a well formed plan unless the patient is critically ill and requires the attending physician at the bedside immediately. Take initiative to follow items for your patients and provide good turnover to the medicine team. You will be modeling appropriate turnover to junior residents. You serve as the overflow for the team if things are busy; the senior may ask you to assist with admissions, supervision of junior residents, procedures, or patient care as the team needs. You will also serve as the overflow resident if any last minute clinic coverage/issues in clinic come up. If you are covering in clinic, you will pass the admission responsibilities back to the medicine team.