Radys Children's Inpatient

Rady Children’s INPT Rotation


WHO: Ashley Yates, Admin Assistant for INPT rotation. AYates@rchsd.org

GME Administrator: Marian Toscano: mtoscano@rchsd.org

FM GME Administrator: Janell Bean: janell.bean.civ@mail.mil

Faculty/Rotation Coordinator: Dr. Daniel Hershey: dhershey@rchsd.org

FM Faculty Liaison: Dr. Noa Hammer: noa.c.hammer.mil@mail.mil

WHERE: Rady Children’s Hospital, 3020 Children's Way, San Diego CA, 92123

EOB, 7960 Birmingham Drive. Refer to welcome letter for parking/building info.

WHEN: Schedule per orientation/ Peds Chiefs

1-COMPLETE ONLINE APPLICATION & SUBMIT SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Resident must complete an online registration as early as possible. Deadline, minimum 2 weeks prior to rotation.

LINK to RCHSD application: https://redcap.rchsd.org/surveys/?s=RXHCCE8DFR

Supporting documents needed for application:

Updated CV.

Copy of Diploma.

Copy of Medical License.

Proof of Covid vaccination & booster.

After completion of application, Marian Toscano will confirm your application is complete, and the administrative assistants will email resident with check-in instructions, maps, and educational materials.

2-SCHEDULE APPOINTMENT TO ORIENT WITH Peds Chiefs, pedschiefs@health.ucsd.edu .

Either before or after you meet with the peds chiefs, you can come to the hospital and pick up your items (meal vouchers, paper badges), takes 5 minutes. Please inform Ashley what date you will be orienting.

Office hours 0830-1700.


Multiple rotations at Radys? If you are doing 2 rotations at Radys (as most of you will), one application will cover all rotations within the AY time frame. The rotation coordinators and peds chiefs will email residents with instructions prior to your 2nd rotation, based on rosters provided.