
General Surgery Rotation


It is always recommended to review the curriculum and touch base with the

resident currently on the rotation 1-week in advance of starting the rotation.

POC: Dr. Lara Spence;


-Check in with us prior to your rotation to ensure that you have all the appropriate access,

logins, etc. Read rotation curriculum from FP Dept.


-To provide you with exposure to general surgery as it relates to your future career –

performance of minor procedures, recognition of surgical pathology, pre- and post-operative

management and patient experience, and communication with surgeon consultants.


-Monday – Friday at NHCP

-Ensure all work-hour restrictions are being honored, including 4 days off/month. Rounding on

weekends decided with staff/resident input.

-Attending morning report, FP department conferences, and your continuity clinics is mandatory.

However, notify your resident or staff surgeon that you are leaving then transfer the phone to

them. It is expected that you check back in afterwards when you resume care of the phone.


-The majority of your experience is meant to be in the context of ACS (acute care surgery)

consults and peri-operative care on the wards with support and mentoring from resident/staff


-There are no requirements to see clinic, although you may see clinic if you want to arrange it

with staff surgeons.

-There are minimum OR requirements, whether observing or assisting with cases. It is expected

that you read about the patient ahead of time.

-Additional procedures can be performed with supervision on ACS consults or if you go to the



-Set didactic lecture series on basic surgical pathology topics will be provided by staff surgeons

or residents.

-However, as with all rotations, your knowledge-based learning opportunities are based on your

independent study for individual patient care experiences. All consults and in-patients have

opportunities for formal and informal learning.


-Your practice-based learning opportunities are based on individual patient care experiences.

You should be presenting consults and patients to staff surgeons on a daily basis and growing

more efficient in your skills. There is no universal default MHS SURG genesis order set. Ask

your staff if they have a preference, otherwise be sure that all the orders discussed are entered

if you use a non-SURG order set.


-It is expected that you are an active member of the in-patient service and that you maintain

regular ongoing daily communication with residents and/or staff surgeons regarding ward

patients, consults, and admissions. This includes rounds and pre- and post-operative care,

communication with nurses and patients, and communication with consultants.


-At all times, you should treat all patients, family members, coworkers, and hospital staff with

compassion, integrity, respect, and sensitivity.

-Answer your phone and be available during working hours. If there is not active patient care to

attend to, be sure to check in regularly with your resident/staff surgeon.


-Your systems-based practice learning opportunities are based on individual patient care

experiences. It is expected you know how to navigate the NHCP health care system, both in-

patient and out-patient to optimize care for our patients. This includes knowing how to order

studies, how to coordinate social work, etc.


-You should seek and receive daily and weekly feedback on patient care encounters/cases from

the resident and/or individual staff surgeons.

-You should receive feedback from Dr. Hernandez regarding your overall evaluation, which will

parallel your formal rotation feedback.

-If at any point, you have questions, problems, or concerns, please talk with Dr. Spence as soon

as you have them so we can improve your experience and/or the rotation.


Gen Surg Clinic Front Desk – 760 725 1356

Gen Surg ACS/Duty Surgeon – 760 696 8065

Gen Surg Resident – 760 696 5693

OR Front Desk – 760 719 3294

OR CC – 760 453 6714

OR Anes FW -760 685 1296

SURG Curriculum FEB2023 - Care of the Surgical Patient.docx