
Introductory Class: After Vacations

First day of a Period.

Welcome students from class. Take time for SS to talk about what they did on their vacations; the objective is to make a quick and dirty review of past simple and to work on the affective filter of the students. Normally, they are to shy to answer many questions, so do the following.

Brainstorm 10 or 12 questions about going on vacation. Make students write them on the board. Tell them you are going to correct some grammar from the questions. Then, proceed to make students answer yes or no to the questions. When they say yes, ask some of them to share.

- Did you go to a farm?

- Did you visit relatives?

- Did you go anywhere historic?

- Did you try something for the first time?

- Did you miss something about school?

- Did you have a small accident?

Note: You can use some of these questions as examples.

When you have the expected number of questions, make them have a conversation to share. When they are finished, they share some of their experiences in open class.

By the end of the session, introduce the topic of countries. Ask people if some have had the fortune to go to a different country. Elicit their experience and end up indicating they will be studying a topic. Welcome them again.