Personal Development

What is personal development?

Personal development is a lifetime process of self-improvement and progress that includes improving one's abilities, knowledge, and emotional intelligence. Setting and pursuing meaningful objectives, increasing self-awareness, and building habits that lead to personal and professional success are all part of it. Individuals may obtain a higher feeling of fulfillment and purpose in their life through engaging in self-reflection, learning from experiences, and constant self-motivation.

Listening: 8 Simple Principle for Personal Development.


Chech which principles you follow, and which ones you don't.

If you had to add two more principles of your own, which one would they be. 

Cultural Note: Personal vs Personnel

"Personal" and "personnel" are two words that are similar in spelling and pronunciation, but they have entirely different meanings. Here's the difference:

In what three areas of life would you be interest to develop?

Vocabulary Set 1

Goal setting








Vocabulary Set 2: Phrasal Verbs


Grammar Point

Defining and Non-defining Clauses in Self-Development

Defining Clauses 

Exercise 1: Identify the Defining Clause Instructions: Underline the defining clause in each sentence.

Exercise 2: Add Defining Clauses Instructions: Add defining clauses to the following sentences to provide essential information about the nouns.

Exercise 3: Correct the Sentence Instructions: Some sentences contain non-defining clauses. Rewrite these sentences with defining clauses to make them correct.

Exercise 4: Create Your Sentences Instructions: Create five original sentences using defining clauses. Use a variety of nouns and defining clauses to make your sentences interesting and informative.

Exercise 5: Fill in the Blanks Instructions: Fill in the blanks in each sentence with the correct defining clause.

Exercise 6: Defining Clauses in a Paragraph Instructions: Read the paragraph and identify all the defining clauses. Write down the sentences containing them.

Paragraph: My friend Alice, who is a talented artist, recently completed a mural in our community center. The mural, which took her three months to finish, depicts scenes from our town's history. Alice, whose passion for art is inspiring, used vibrant colors to bring the mural to life. She is the same friend who encouraged me to pursue my own passion for writing. Alice's dedication to her craft is truly admirable.

Non-defining Clauses 

Homework Assignment (optional):

Exercise 1: Identify the Non-Defining Clause Instructions: Underline the non-defining clause in each sentence.

Exercise 2: Add Non-Defining Clauses Instructions: Add non-defining clauses to the following sentences to provide additional, non-essential information about the nouns.

Exercise 3: Correct the Sentence Instructions: Some sentences contain defining clauses. Rewrite these sentences with non-defining clauses to make them correct.

Exercise 4: Create Your Sentences Instructions: Create five original sentences using non-defining clauses. Use a variety of nouns and non-defining clauses to provide additional information and context to your sentences.

Exercise 5: Fill in the Blanks Instructions: Fill in the blanks in each sentence with the correct non-defining clause.

Exercise 6: Non-Defining Clauses in a Paragraph Instructions: Read the paragraph and identify all the non-defining clauses. Write down the sentences containing them.

Paragraph: My friend Lisa, a talented pianist, will be performing at the concert. Lisa's performance, which I've been eagerly anticipating, promises to be a musical masterpiece. She recently released an album, "Harmony," which received critical acclaim. Lisa, who is also a composer, has composed many beautiful pieces. I have known Lisa for years, and her dedication to music is truly inspiring.