The Great Questionnaire

The Great Questionnaire: Make a quick and dirty duel battle between students to see who can answer faster and precisely. Do not get tangled on details, just ask and accept answers that make sense. The idea is that students write down the numbers of questions they got right for checking them at the end.


1) What was the name of Colombia before it was a country?

The Viceroyalty of Nueva Granada

2) What country sold Alaska to the United States?


3) Who was the first president of the United States of America?

George Washington

4) What year did WWII finished?


5) How do we call our current age?

The Contemporary Age

6) Who was the first European called "land" in the Americas?

Américo Vespucio

7) What famous singer was killed by his fan named Chapman?

John Lennon

8) Who wrote the communist manifesto?

Karl Marx and Hegels

9) Who was the first man to walk on the moon?

Neil Armstrong

10) What was the name of the first Mongolian emperor?

Ghenghis Khan

11) What nobel Prize did Gabriel García recieved?

Literature nobel prize for one hundred years of solitud.

12) What is the Indus Valley?

The Indus Valley was home to one of the world's first large civilisations.


1) What is the most expansive ocean?

The Pacific Ocean

2) What island marks the border between Europe in the north and Africa in the south?


3) What country in South America has no coast?


4) What is the capital of Australia?


5) What is the longest mountain range in the Americas?

The Andes

6) What is the largest island in Africa?


7) Where are the Niagara Falls?


8) What country holds the Easter Islands?


9) In what Ocean is the Bering Strait?

Artic Ocean

10) What is the tallest mountain in the world?

The Himalayas

11) What is the delta of a river?
Where a river enters an ocean, sea, estuary, lake, reservoir, or (more rarely) another river that cannot carry away the supplied sediment.

12) What is a thunder?
Thunder is
simply the noise lightning makes.


1) What is the longest organ in the body?

The Skin

2) What is the fastest thing in physics?

The Light

3) How do you call the force of attraction between two body masses?


4) How do you call the solid part of the earth where we live?


5) What is the tomato?

A fruit

6) What is the strongest mineral?

A diamond

7) What liquid can burn over water?


8) What animal is the largest animal in the world?

The Blue Whale

9) What is the chemical formula for water?


10) What is the chemical formula for carbon dioxide?


10) How do you call process of duplication of a scientific study?


11) What does alkaline describe?
How acidic a liquid is.

12) Who first formulated the laws of motion?
Isaac Newton


1) What country has won the most soccer world cups?


2) What is the most famous sport in Kenya, Ghana and Jamaica?

Running / Athletics

3) In what sport can you hit a homerun?


4) What sport is the most complete for body fitness?


5) What sport requires most strength?

Weight Lifting or similar

6) What is the sport that requires most coordination?


7) In what sport can you run a Derby?

Horse Riding

8) What is the traditional distance for a Marathon?

42 Kilometers.

9) What famous basketball player received 10 times the scoring champion award?

Michael Jordan

10) What country held the first Olympic Games?


11) What sport is inspired in battle, but with a lot of protection?

American Football

12) What sport only has a categories for women in the olympics?

Synchronized Swimming


1) How many movies does the Harry Potter saga have?
8 movies

2) How do you call the fictional lights, fires and events happening in a movie?
Special Effects

3) How do you call dangerous scenes that action double take?

4) In what part of the United States is Hollywood located?
Los Angeles

5) What is the Indian version of Hollywood called?

6) How do you call the first time you show a movie?
7) How do you call the person of creating and editing the movie?

8) During what month movies receive their biggest audience?

9) How do you call a movie that comes from a book?


10) What is the most popular awards for movies?

11) What is CGI?
Computer generated imaged

12) What is a movie filter?

A screen of colors used to denote a feeling in a movie.


1) What was Buddha's real name?

Siddartha Gautama

2) Where is the center of the Catholic Church?


3) What religion celebrates Hannukah?


4) How do you call a set of values, rules and philosophies for a religion?


5) What is the name of the most important book in Muslim religion?

The Coran

6) In what country could you find Shinto temples?


7) Where does the practice of Santeria comes from?


8) What does monotheist mean?

Believing in one god.

9) How does religion get most of its money?


10) What animal is sacred in Hinduism?

The Cow
11) What nation was famous for following the nomad religion of Tangrit?

The Mongols

12) Who is considered as the most influential catholic priest when it comes to philosophy?

Thomas Aquinas