Countries and Languages

Naira is from Spain.

Naira is Spanish.

Naira speaks Spanish, Catalan, and a little bit English. 

Anaris is from Venezuela.

Anaris is Venezuelan.

He speaks Spanish and  English.

Where are these girls from?

She is from Argentina.

She is Argentinean.

She is from Brazil.

She is  B_____________________.

She is from C___________________.

She _____________________________.


How do you say "Catalan"?

The European Continent

How many countries are there in Europe?

How many countries border Spain?

What is the capital of Spain?

What language do they speak in Spain?

What is the typical food in Spain?

Countries, Nationalities, and Languages. 

Naira is from Spain. She is Spanish. She speaks Spanish, Catalan, and a little bit of English.

Mr. Silva is from Venezuela. He is Venezuelan. He speaks Spanish, French, and English.

Ariana Grande is from America. She is American. She speaks English and Spanish. 

Justin Bieber is from Canada. He is Canadian. He speaks English and French. 

Homework: Write about two celebrities and indicate their Country, Nationality, and Language. 

Information about countries:

-Spain -

What is the capital of Spain? The capital of Spain is Madrid.
In what continent is Spain? It is in Europe.
What language do people speak in Spain? They speak Spanish, Catalan, Vasco, and other regional languages. 

What do people eat in Spain? Spanish eat Paella. 

What is the typical music Spain? A typical music is Flamenco.