Identity (A1+)

Hi! How are you today?

Watch the video and  find out possible answers for the questions:


Person on the street

 Conversational Examples

Conversation 1: Meeting Somebody New

A: Hi there! I don't think we've met before. I'm Mark.
B: Hello, Mark! I'm Sarah. Nice to meet you.

Conversation 2: Saying Hello to a Family Member

A: Hey, sis! How are you doing?
B: Hi, bro! I'm good. How about you?

Conversation 3: Saying Hello to a Friend

A: Hey! It's been a while. How have you been?
B: Hi! I've been great. What about you?

Conversation 4: Saying Hello in an appointment.

A: Good morning. I have an appointment with Dr. Smith.
B: Hello. Sure, I'll let the doctor know you're here.


Conversation 5: Meeting a Classmate

A: Hi! Are you in our English class?
B: Hello! Yes, I am. My name is Emily.

Conversation 6: Saying Hello to a Grandparent

A: Grandma, it's me, David!
B: Oh, hello, David! How lovely to see you.

Conversation 7: Saying Hello to a Close Friend

A: Hey there! Long time no see. How have you been? B: Hi! I know, it's been a while. I'm doing well. Thanks for asking.

Conversation 8: Saying Hello to a Receptionist

A: Good evening. I have a reservation under the name Johnson.
B: Hello. Let me check that for you, Mr. Johnson.

Practicing Greetings and Farewells! 

Now practice! In different ways!

A: How are you?
B: I am great!

Names and Spelling!

What is your name?  / My name is Anaris.

Sorry, could you spell that? 

A - N - A - R - I - S

What is your last name? / My last name is Silva.

Could you spell  that? / Sure- S - I - L - V - A.

There are some difficult names to spell! Can you spell these? 

What do you do? 

If you are a student, you normally say "I am a high-school student"

If you have another occupation, you can mention one of these. Practice the pronuncation!

Other options:

" I don't do anything at the moment".

" I am unemployed". 

" I work as a..." 

"I am a freelancer". 

What do you do? 

I work in a restaurant. 

And what do you do in the restaurant?

I am a server. / I am a waitress / I cook and serve food.

I take orders, cook them and serve them. 

Where are you from?

I am Colombian.

Play the following game and learn vocabulary about professions.

Watch the video. Who is he? Can you identify this person?

Name: Giorgio Moretti
Age: 35
Nationality: Italian
Occupation: singer.
Something particular: New Client

Now, you try to answer the interviewer's questions.