Business English

What is ESL Business?

ESL for business is English as a Second Language (ESL) instruction that is specifically designed for people who want to use English in a business setting. This type of instruction typically focuses on the following skills:

There are many different ways to measure the different levels of ESL for business. One common way is to use the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The CEFR is a six-level scale that is used to measure language proficiency in general, but it can also be used to measure proficiency in specific areas, such as business English.

The CEFR levels for business English are as follows:

A1 Level

Greeting people and introducing yourself.

Asking for and giving directions.

Ordering food and drinks.

Making simple purchases.

Expressing basic needs and wants.

A2 Level

Talking about your job and your family.

Making appointments and reservations.

Writing simple emails and letters.

Understanding simple instructions and procedures.

Giving and following directions.

B1 Level

Participating in meetings and discussions.

Writing reports and presentations.

Negotiating contracts and agreements.

Giving presentations in English.

Understanding technical terminology.

B2 Level

Conducting business correspondence.

Managing projects and teams.

Networking with other professionals.

Giving presentations to international audiences.

Translating documents and contracts.

C1 Level

Advising clients and customers.

Solving problems and negotiating disputes.

Writing and editing complex documents.

Presenting complex information to a variety of audiences.

Interpreting between English and other languages.

C2 Level

Working as a translator or interpreter.

Teaching English as a foreign language.

Conducting research in English.

Publishing articles and books in English.

Advising multinational corporations on business matters.

The specific level of ESL for business that is required will vary depending on the specific job and the company. However, most companies will require at least a B1 level of proficiency.

If you are interested in learning more about ESL for business, there are many resources available online and in libraries. You can also find ESL for business classes at community colleges, universities, and private language schools.