The Weather

Intro: How's the weather today? Song Practice

Listen to the weather report and complete the report!

A. It is cold and wet. B. It is rainy and stormy. It is Sunny and warm.

A. It is hot.  B. It is cold and windy. C.  It is snowy.

A. It is windy. B. It is very windy. C. It is super very windy.

A. It is cold. B. It is hot. C. It is windy.

A. It is snowy. B. It is stormy. C. It is windy.

Today, we are going to talk about the weather! The weather changes everywhere!


How's the weather today?

It is ______________________. 

It is not __________________.

How do we describe the weather?

It is ______ when is hot.

It is ______ when is cold.

It is ______ when is wet.

It is ______ with thunder.

It is _____ with a breeze.

It is ______ when gray.

How are the seasons in your country?

hot - cold - windy - fresh

Winter is cold.

Spring is fresh.

Summer is hot.

Autumn is windy.

Independent Practice

The Weather Game: Click on the link and play it!