Past Job Experiences

Vocabulary Set

Common Verbs

Unscrambled the sentences

"aspects in project management various and Coordinated organized."

"10% Achieved team increase our sales target year-over-year in a."

"customer that strategies company's marketing enhanced Developed the engagement."

"market the strategy and competitors inform our Analyzed to trends."

"cross-functional product a launch the with team Collaborated on successful to."

"cost-saving expenses measures reduce Implemented to."

"managed I responsibilities a diverse team effectively of."

Answer Key

Common Expressions

Complete these sentences with the right expression:

Answer Key

Narrative Tenses

Taken from:

The four narrative tenses are past simple, past continuous, past perfect, and past perfect continuous. Let's look at each of these tenses one by one. 

What Are The Four Narrative Tenses?

The four narrative tenses are past simple, past continuous, past perfect, and past perfect continuous. Let’s look at each of these tenses one by one.

1. Past Simple

The past simple tense is used to talk about a certain action or event that took place at a specific point in the past. Here are some past simple example sentences:

2. Past Continuous

The past continuous tense is used to talk about an action or event that was in progress at a specific point in the past. Here are some past continuous example sentences:

3. Past Perfect

The past perfect tense is used to talk about an event or action that was completed before a certain point in the past. Here are some past perfect example sentences:

4. Past Perfect Continuous

The past perfect continuous tense is used to talk about an event or action that was happening in the past and continued up until a certain point in the past. Here are some past perfect continuous example sentences:

Examples of Narrative Times

Marketing Coordinator

"I worked as a marketing coordinator at ABC Company from 2018 to 2020. During my time there, I managed marketing campaigns and coordinated a successful product launch. This experience significantly enhanced my project management and communication skills. I'm proud of achieving a 35% increase in website traffic through a revamped content strategy. Collaborating with my colleagues was a highlight, fostering creativity and teamwork. Overall, my tenure at ABC was valuable, teaching me vital skills for a fast-paced marketing environment."

Sales Satisfaction Agent

"As a Sales Satisfaction Agent at Bottle-up Corporation, I dedicated three years to ensuring exceptional customer experiences. My primary role involved addressing customer inquiries and concerns, and I took pride in consistently surpassing expectations by providing comprehensive product information and resolving issues swiftly. My commitment to excellence was reflected in my track record of consistently maintaining a customer satisfaction rating that exceeded departmental targets by 10%. I also initiated the implementation of a customer feedback system that not only improved our service but also provided invaluable insights for product enhancements." 

HR Recruiter

"During my five-year tenure as an HR Recruiter at Crude Power Oil Company, I specialized in the energy sector's unique talent needs, deploying a blend of technical expertise and interpersonal skills to identify and attract high-caliber professionals to the organization; among my significant accomplishments was the development and implementation of a comprehensive recruitment strategy tailored to the oil and gas industry, which resulted in a 14% increase in the HR staff.I also played an important role in ensuring compliance with industry-specific regulations while working closely with the safety and compliance teams, fostering a culture of safety and environmental responsibility throughout the organization, and ultimately contributing to the company's commitment to sustainable and responsible energy practices." 

Examples of Work Experience:

Sales Associate at XYZ Retail Store (2019-2021):