Fertility Rates

Preview:  Vocabulary. 

Fertility Rate - Baby Boom - Replacement Level Fertility - Population Shrinking - Demographic Transition  

_____________: A significant increase in the birthrate or the number of births within a particular population or generation.

_____________: The average number of children a woman is expected to have during her reproductive years.

_____________: The fertility rate at which a population exactly replaces itself from one generation to the next without migration.

_____________: The process by which societies transition from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates.

_____________: A number of people who are becoming less in number from one generation to another. 

Why the Rich World is Dying and How to Save It


1) What is happening with the rich world?

2) What has occurred with the replacement fertility level? 

3) What theory best explains the situation?

4) Are all the countries dying at the same rate? Which ones are dying faster?

5) What are some of the expected consequences?