Listening 001 - Isolation

Challenging Speed and Understanding:

What is Isolation?

Isolation refers to the state of being alone or separated from others, often by choice or circumstance. It can manifest in various forms, such as physical isolation, where a person is physically separated from others, or social isolation, where someone feels disconnected from their social network or community. Isolation can have both positive and negative effects on individuals, depending on the context and duration. It may lead to introspection and self-discovery, but prolonged isolation can also have detrimental effects on mental and emotional well-being, leading to feelings of loneliness, depression, and anxiety. 








Emotional detachment 


1. Being alone, often in a peaceful or reflective manner.

2. Retreating or pulling away from social interaction or engagement

3. The feeling of being estranged or disconnected from society or a social group.

4. The act of separating or isolating certain groups of people based on characteristics such as race, ethnicity, or beliefs.

5. A state of being emotionally distant or disconnected from others.

6. The emotional state of feeling isolated or disconnected from others.

7. The act of isolating oneself from others, often voluntarily.

Listening: Can isolation be prescribed? - Prescription for Isolation Listening


Having a conversation with the vocabulary

Extension - Homework.
How to break social isolation: Listen and then answer each question.