Small Talk

27 small talk topics

Here's a list of 27 small talk topics that you can talk about when meeting new people, with advice for when to use them:

1. Career choice

If you're at an event with other professionals, you might ask questions about what their job is like and if they enjoy it. For instance, you could ask what motivated them to pursue their career of choice and why they decided to stay. You could also share your own stories about how you chose your career, what your most important professional experiences were and what career goals you want to accomplish.

2. Pets

If someone has pets, they're often excited to talk about them, so consider asking about pets as a way to initiate small talk. For example, you could ask what their pets are like and if they have any cute pictures they want to share. If you have pets of your own, you could share what their personalties are like and tell funny stories about them.

3. Hometown

If you learn that someone traveled from another state to attend an event, you could ask about their hometown. For example, if you learn that they're from a small town, you could ask what it was like growing up there. You could also ask what's changed about their hometown since they moved to a new place.

4. Books

If you learn that someone likes to read, you can relate to them by talking about your favorite books. For example, you could ask if they have an author they love and why. If they're a writer, you might also ask what kinds of books they read for inspiration.

5. Sports

If you learn that someone lives in an area with an active sports scene, you can use it as a conversation topic. For example, you could ask if they're a fan of their local football or hockey team. If a team is in the off-season, you can ask the individual how they expect their team to perform once the next season starts.

Related: 20 Ways To Start a Conversation With a Stranger (With Examples)

6. Family

If someone mentions a family member during a story, you might ask more questions about what they're family's like. For example, you can ask if their family lives nearby and if they get to visit a lot. If your conversation partner feels comfortable with the topic, you can relate to them by sharing funny or interesting stories about your own family.

7. Cooking

If you talk to someone about your favorite foods, you could ask if they enjoy cooking. For example, you might ask what recipe they enjoy cooking the most and why. You could also ask if they have any tips for making the recipe or if they have any advice to improve your cooking technique.

8. Travel

If you've recently traveled or taken a vacation, you could use it as a conversation starter. For example, you could ask your conversation partner if they've ever visited the same place. If they plan on visiting soon, you could give recommendations on activities and places they might enjoy.

9. Local attractions

If the person you're talking to knows more about the area than you, consider asking about local attractions. For example, you could ask how busy the town square usually gets so you can plan a shopping trip. You could also ask if they have any recommendations for museums or thrift stores.

10. Music

If you ever struggle to find a shared interest with someone, consider talking about music. You could mention how you feel about a song that's playing over the speakers and ask how they feel about it. You could also ask if they have a favorite genre or band and share songs that you think they might like.

11. Current events

If you recently read interesting news about the area you're visiting, you could use it as a conversation starter. For example, you could share that a community outreach organization is hosting an exciting event soon. You might also mention how happy you are that a local charity reached its fundraising goal.

12. Education

If you're attending an event with college graduates, you can ask for details about their education. For example, you could ask what inspired them to pursue their area of study. You could also ask what university they attended and ask if they know your friends who enrolled in the same program.

13. Projects

If you learn about someone's area of study, you might ask about recent projects they've completed. For example, you could ask if they have personal projects outside of work. You could also ask why this work is important to them and what they want the finished project to accomplish.

14. Mutual connections

If you think a person you've met might know one of your friends or colleagues, you could introduce it as a conversation topic. For example, you could ask how they met your friend and what work they've done together. You could also express what you enjoy about your mutual friend and why you support their work.

15. The weekend

If it's close to the end of the work week, you could ask people if they have plans for the weekend. For example, you might ask if they're planning on relaxing or attending any exciting events. You could also share your own weekend plans.

16. The day

Once you've introduced yourself, you might learn more about someone if you ask them about their day. For example, you could ask them if the event you're attending is the highlight of their day. You could also ask them if they have anything exciting planned for the evening.

17. The venue

When you have little information about the person you're talking to, you could make comments about the venue. For example, if it's your first time there, you could express what excites you about the venue's offerings. You could also ask people if they've visited the venue in the past and what inspired them to return another time.

18. Dream job

You might introduce this topic if you recently talked about your work experience with someone. For example, you could talk about what you might change about your current job that would make it a dream job. Once your conversation partner shares their ideal career, you could ask what inspires them to pursue that type of job.

19. The weather

You might talk about this topic if you meet a new person from another state. For example, you could ask them what the weather is like in their home state compared to the one you're in now. You could also ask them if they prefer a certain type of climate, such as the dry heat of the southwest or the cool coastlines of the northeast.

20. Volunteering

If you learn that your conversation partner engages in activism, you might ask them more about it. For example, you could ask them why they chose to become a member of their volunteering organization. You could also mention what moments were most fulfilling for you during your own volunteering experiences.

21. Social media

You might be able to engage in small talk if you learn that someone uses the same social media platform as you. For example, you could ask if they follow some of your favorite influencers and content creators. You could also share your opinions about the platform's interface updates and recent trends.

22. Holidays

If a holiday recently passed or is about to happen, you can ask people about their holiday plans. For example, you can ask if they're visiting family for the holiday or hosting family members in their own home. You could also share stories about your family's unique traditions and mention what you're most excited about for the holiday.

23. Style

You might be able to start a conversation with someone by complimenting their fashion sense. For example, if you like someone's jacket, you could say that it looks great and ask where they bought it. If you have a style that's similar to your conversation partner, you might also recommend products or clothing stores that you enjoy.

24. Useful resources

If you learn that someone is an expert in your areas of interest, you might be able to engage them by asking for helpful resources. For example, if someone knows a lot about engineering, you might ask them what books they've read that helped them understand the field better. They might also recommend courses you can take or ways you can expand your professional network.

25. Moving

If someone mentions that they moved recently, consider asking what their experience was like. For example, you could ask them why they chose to make the move and if they enjoy their new home. You can also ask for advice if you're planning your own move and share stories about places you've lived.

26. Talents

If you have any unique or impressive talents, you might tell a story about them to engage in small talk with someone. For example, if someone tells you about a hot-air balloon festival they attended, you could mention that you're licensed to fly hot air balloons. You could also ask your conversation partners if they have any talents that they're proud of and if they want to share stories about them.

27. Career advice

You could start a conversation with someone if you learn that they work in a career you admire by asking them for advice. For example, if you're a junior programmer and want to become a web developer, you might ask a senior web developer how they became qualified for the role. They might also be able to recommend internship opportunities you could pursue or high-demand skills you could learn before applying for your own web developer position.

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