Pronunciation Chart

English Phonemes

In the English language, the number of vowels and consonants depends on how we classify and categorize certain sounds. Traditionally, English is considered to have 5 vowel letters: A, E, I, O, and U. However, the actual number of vowel sounds is higher than the number of vowel letters. The number of consonant sounds is also more extensive than the number of consonant letters.

As an example, you may use:

Please note that the number of vowel and consonant sounds may vary slightly depending on the specific English accent or dialect being considered.

Practicing Pronunciation

Vowel Sounds:

How much would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
A woodchuck would chuck would all day if a woodchuck could chuck wood. 

"The sun set behind the mountains, casting a warm glow across the valley. A gentle breeze swept through the fields, causing the tall grass to sway. In the distance, a group of deer grazed peacefully, their ears alert to any sound. The river flowed steadily, reflecting the colors of the setting sun. Birds chirped melodiously, adding a symphony of sounds to the tranquil scene. As the night approached, the moon rose in the sky, and the stars sparkled like diamonds." 


Consonant Sounds:

Remember, repetition and consistent practice are essential for improving pronunciation. Make the exercises engaging and enjoyable to keep students motivated and focused on their language development. Encourage them to practice outside of class as well, using online resources, language apps, or language exchange partners to reinforce their skills.

Consonant Sounds:

Remember, repetition and consistent practice are essential for improving pronunciation. Make the exercises engaging and enjoyable to keep students motivated and focused on their language development. Encourage them to practice outside of class as well, using online resources, language apps, or language exchange partners to reinforce their skills.