Past Simple

Links to present dialogues:

Assessment on Writing

Write a paragraph describing your favorite holiday vacations. Follow the questions to cover up the information and if there are some details you don't remember, just invent them.

1) What was your favorite holiday vacation in your life?

2) Where did you go on that vacation?

3) Who did you go with?

4) How did you travel to that destination?

5) How long was the trip to get there?

6) Where did you stay?

7) What did you do in that vacation? (Include 3 activities)

8) What did you eat and drink?

9) What was the best moment?

10) What was the worst moment?


My favorite holiday vacation was when I was 12 during Christmas. I went to Merida, a very beautiful mountainous city. I was with my dad, mom, brother, aunt, uncle and some cousins. We traveled in a car caravan of three. It took about 6 hours there, we stopped in different places to rest on the road. We stayed in a big family hotel called Magdalena. We hiked to the Pico Bolivar, visited the local zoo and tried different restaurants. We ate a lot of typical food, grilled meat, and drank hot chocolate. The best moment was when we visited the mountains because the view was amazing. The worst moment was when my brother and I got fever, called "Fiebre del Paramo", and had to go back to the hotel.