Introducing People

Introducing People

Introducing People 1

Peter: Hello.

Jane: Hi!

Peter: My name is Peter. What's your name?

Jane: My name is Jane. Nice to meet you.

Peter: It's a pleasure. This is a great party!

Jane: Yes, it is. Where are you from?

Peter: I'm from Amsterdam.

Jane: Amsterdam? Are you German?

Peter: No, I'm not German. I'm Dutch.

Jane: Oh, you're Dutch. Sorry about that.

Peter: That's OK. Where are you from?

Jane: I'm from London, but I'm not British.

Peter: No, what are you?

Jane: Well, my parents were Spanish, so I'm Spanish, too.

Peter: That's very interesting. Spain is a beautiful country.

Jane: Thank you. It is a wonderful place.

Introducing People 2

Daniel: How are you doing today?

Emma: I'm doing great. What about you?

Daniel: I'm good, thank you.

Emma: What do you do?

Daniel: I am a teacher. What about you?

Emma: I am a hairdresser. 

Daniel: Where are you from?

Emma: I am from Massachussetts.

Daniel: I wish you luck.

Emma: Thanks a lot. 

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