Carpet Replacement


Carpet Replacement (2011)

The Sanctuary carpet became a problem with wear and tripping hazard areas, especially in the aisles, and I was asked to address the situation. I obtained several quotes, selecting Hamstra Carpet of Strathroy to remove and replace the carpet with new carpet. In the summer of 2012, James Baker and John Lee worked out a plan that involved moving half of the pews to one side of the Sanctuary, making it possible to remove the old carpet, then apply new sub-flooring to receive new carpet. Once that side was completed, the cycle was done on the other side of the Sanctuary. James worked out a complicated system that allowed the pews to be relocated to their original spots. The decision was made during this work to also re-carpet the stairs and the upper balcony. I remember Reverend Dr. Jeff Crittenden rolling himself on the new carpet in 2012 as he was talking to the Sunday School children during a worship service.