The Narthex Windows

Main Floor: North Side

In the early 1930’s McCausland Ltd of Toronto was approached to present a plan for the pictorial windows.  Art director William Miekle presented a blueprint in 1933.

None of the proposed windows were implemented.  Still, McCausland is responsible for most of the windows in our church.  These windows were installed between 1941 and 1975.

In general, McCausland windows present clear lines and bright, natural colours in natural landscapes.  Styles varied somewhat over the three decades, and the six lancets in the Narthex differ from the windows in the Sanctuary.  There are no grand structures, no shields or crowns.  The sky and heavens appear natural.

From west to east, we begin with The Annunciation.  Angel Gabriel greets Mary, who is clothed in blue, a tradition derived from circa 500AD.  A dove is above the scene, and the power of God is depicted in rays of light.  The text is Blessed Art Thou Amongst Women.  

To the east is Mary, in blue, visiting her cousin Elizabeth, in red.  Two doves appear above the house, perhaps to represent the two sons who will be born?  The text is the Magnificat:  My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord.  

The middle two lights present Jesus calling His disciples.  All on the seacoast are haloed; Jesus is robed in red.  The text reads Follow Me and I Will Make You Fishers of Men.    

The next lancet is Christ with His chalice, filling the frame, robed in red, and poised to make the sign of the cross.  The text is Do This in Remembrance of Me.  The final lancet is the Angel of Resurrection, in the Garden pointing heavenward, with three crosses in the distance.  He is risen, says the text.  

The Narthex windows were installed between 1966 and 1971.  Dedications and donors are noted in the windows.  He is risen indeed.