Historical Events & Highlights



On Sunday Feb. 5th, Metropolitan United’s inaugural Dr. R. Maurice Boyd Preacher of Distinction was the Rev. Dr. Anthony Bailey of Parkdale United Church in Ottawa. Dr. Bailey preached at both morning worship services about The Promise and Provocation of Faithfulness. Dr. Bailey has academic degrees in social work, theology, philosophy of religion and ethics and culture. He has taught pastoral counseling at McGill University joint theological colleges, and at the theological college of the University of the West Indies in Kingston Jamaica. 


On March 25th, the Very Reverend, the Honourable Dr. Lois Wilson was welcomed by everyone as our guest speaker at Met United. Dr. Wilson preached on The Earth Has Moved at both Sunday morning services of worship. Dr. Wilson is a distinguished Canadian champion of social justice and religious understanding who has devoted her life to public service and social activism. She is the first woman to be the Moderator of the United Church (1980-82), an elected President of the World Council of Churches (1983-1990) and former independent Senator in the Parliament of Canada (1998-2002). Dr. Wilson is a Companion of the Order of Canada (2004), a recipient of the Pearson Peace Prize (1985), a prolific author and has been awarded numerous honorary degrees and distinctions.


In the second week of May, Dr. Crittenden participated in the London Conference Mission and Service Bike Ride from Windsor to London. 


In 2004, Metropolitan United Church developed a Position Paper on same-sex marriage, which was distributed to Elders and Session for review and discussion.

At the Board of Elders meeting on May 11, 2004, the Reverend Robert Ripley reported that individual Sessions can set their own policy on this issue. The following motion was moved by Marian Bieman and seconded by Maureen Tipping:

THAT because our Session is theoretically charged with the approval of marriages by Metropolitan’s ministerial staff, and because of our staff’s commitment to the definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman, that this Session approve our ministers’ position to follow their convictions by declining to officiate at marriages of same sex couples. Motion carried. 

On May 25, 2004, the Session report was presented to the Executive Committee of the official Board of Elders. The report stated: The conclusion drawn from the issue of same-sex marriage was that the marriage position can be determined locally. 

In June 2012, the Board of Elders approved the ruling that anyone with a valid Ontario marriage certificate could be considered for marriage at Metropolitan United Church. Therefore, Metropolitan’s 2004 marriage policy was updated according to the following motion made by Mark Laidman and seconded by Tim Laskey: 

THAT the decision for a couple to be married at Metropolitan involves a number of variables. The final decision for the marriage to be held at Metropolitan rests with the Senior Minister. Motion carried.


On Sunday, July 8th, Dr. Crittenden and Rev. Herb Summers welcomed Rev. Dr. Barry Moore who returned to Metropolitan United Church to preach at the 11:00 a.m. worship service. In his sermon Inside and Outside, Dr. Moore explained the importance of knowing what we are “inside” ourselves throughout our spiritual journey, and the equal importance of knowing our “outside” selves. 

Renovations on both levels of our Sanctuary began at Metropolitan United on Monday, July 30th.  New carpet on the main level and in the balcony would be in place by Friday, August 31st. The building’s wooden pews were removed in stages, the worn carpet removed and taken from the property to be recycled. The sub-floor was repaired and recovered, the new carpet was laid and lastly, the pews were replaced. 


Dr. Crittenden was promoted to Assistant Professor of Homiletics at Huron University (at Western) on August 1st

At Carleton University in Ottawa on August 16th, Dr. Crittenden took a leading role in the election of the Rev. Gary Paterson to the position of Moderator of the United Church of Canada at its 41st General Council meeting. 


The first recipient of the Shipman Organ Scholarship at Metropolitan United Church was Andrew (Andy) Cloutier who studied under Dr. Gregg Redner, our Music Director and organist, between September 2012 and June 2014. According to the late Bill Bieman in early 2014, Andy “has already shown his expertise in organ performance and takes an active part in leading the Senior Choir.”


In October, Metropolitan United Church graciously acknowledged the countless contributions of the Rev. Frances Clarke to our congregation. In her honour, Met United organized an inaugural Frances Clarke Pastoral Care Conference on Saturday, October 13th. Our keynote speaker was Dr. Peter L. Steinke who made two 90-minute presentations. The first was entitled It’s a New Day For An Old Tradition and the second, Becoming Tomorrow’s Church. The conference included a 90-minute breakout session where attendees participated in one of 3 presentations: Care of Children, led by Tonia Crittenden and Betsy Exley; Care of Self, led by Dr. Jo Ann Thomson Silcox; or Care of Relationships, led by Rev. Sue Browning. 

On Sunday, October 14th, our congregation welcomed the Rev. Dr. Peter L. Steinke who preached at both Sunday morning worship services on Abraham’s Story.  The Rev. Dr. Steinke died on July 13, 2020. He was an internationally respected congregational systems consultant. During his career, Dr. Steinke served as a parish pastor, an educator, and a therapist. He was the author of many books, including the best-selling How Your Church Family Works and Healthy Congregations.  

Our Dr. John Bruce Hunter Anniversary Series guest preacher at Metropolitan United on Oct. 28th was Rev. Dr. Andrew Stirling, who is currently (2024) the Senior Minister at Timothy Eaton Memorial United Church, Toronto. We were honoured to have Dr. Stirling preach at both Sunday morning worship services on the subject of Renewed by A Living Faith. He has been a Visiting Scholar at Harvard University Divinity School, has written two books and over 50 theological and devotional articles. He has taught Church History at the University of Toronto, Systematic Theology at Tyndale University Seminary, and Homiletics at Emmanuel and Wycliffe Colleges.

On Monday, October 29th, Metropolitan United was fortunate to have as our Dr. George Goth Lecture Series guest presenter, the Rev. Dr. Herbert O’Driscoll, internationally regarded as one of the greatest preachers of our day. Dr. O’Driscoll’s morning lecture was limited to paid accountable ministry only. The afternoon session was open to all who were interested. Dr. O’Driscoll has authored more than 30 books and is in great demand as a speaker and conference leader. Dr. O’Driscoll is a brilliant scholar, mesmerizing Irish storyteller and one of the world’s leading authorities on Celtic Christianity. Dr. O’Driscoll is the former Dean of the Anglican Cathedrals in Ottawa and Vancouver, as well as former Warden of the College of Preachers in Washington, D.C.