The East Gallery Lancets

Balcony: North-East & South-East Corners

The east gallery wall holds two lancets each in the north and south corners.  Three of these lancets are works of Robert McCausland Ltd of Toronto.  

To the south-east is a Guardian Angel, the work of an unknown maker, installed at an unknown date.  It is dedicated to Ross Wilson.  The Angel is an athletic youth, in a verdant garden, holding a goblet, with his sword at his side.  The emblem at the base of the window is a scallop shell upon a shield.  In early Christian imagery, the shell referred to baptism.  Inspired by St James and the Camino, the shell might also refer to pilgrimage.  

To the north is a 1947 McCausland window showing St. Paul, dedicated to the memory of the Rev. Dr. James Hughson, and his wife, Daisie Lee.  Paul stands in front of a majestic castle.  The book in his hands represents his Epistles.  The sword he holds, also depicted on a shield below, refers to his martyrdom.  

To the north-east are two lights installed by McCausland in 1952, in memory of Winifred Sanborn, her parents, and her brother, erected by her friends.  They display Christ appearing to Mary Magdalene in the Garden of the Resurrection.  Mary is looking in awe to the other window.  A resurrected Jesus is there, blessing her.  The text reads, “She turned herself and saith unto Him, Rabboni, which is to say, Master”.

At the base of Christ’s window is a medallion of an albatross and two, blue roundels, with the inscription “Per ardua ad astra”, “Through adversity to the stars”.  Winifred Sanborn was the Church secretary during the 1920s to the 1940s.  Her brother Reginald served in the Royal Flying Corps, losing his life in World War I.  The emblem on this window is that of the Royal Canadian Air Force.  This emblem and motto pay tribute to the young Sanborn pilot, and our pilot on life’s journey, Jesus.