Historical Events & Highlights


Rev. Dr. Jeff Crittenden became a full member of the Academy of Homiletics. “Membership may be offered by the Academy to any regular or adjunct faculty member in a graduate/professional school of theology who teaches preaching and may continue for persons moving into other areas of ministry. The Academy of Homiletics was founded in 1965, and now has a membership of over 200.” (2024)

Between 2013 and 2019, Rev. Dr. Jeff Crittenden served as Chair of the Board of Directors for the United Church of Canada Foundation. 


Dr. Crittenden lectured at the University of South Wales Chaplaincy event between January 20 and 31. He also preached at John Wesley Chapel, London, UK. 


Many Met United church members participated in a special event Puzzles, Riddles & Paradoxes: The Astounding Parables of Jesus on Saturday, February 2nd. Our guest speaker for the event was the Rev. Dr. Thomas G. Long, an ordained Presbyterian minister who is the Bandy Professor of Preaching at Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, and the author or editor of 14 books on preaching and worship. Dr. Long lectured in the morning on The Parables of Mark, and on The Parables of Matthew and Luke in the afternoon. Three breakout sessions during the day were led by Rev. Dr. Bradley Morrison, Tonia Crittenden, and the Rev. Dr. Kate Crawford. Dr. Morrison focussed on Relational Glue where two or more are gathered, and the relationship concepts and strategies that apply to couple and congregational life. Tonia’s group explored who they are and how they are with others. Dr. Crawford’s group looked at some of Julian of Norwich’s theological ideas and considered how they might inform their emotional maturity. 

On Sunday, Feb. 3rd, our Dr. R. Maurice Boyd Preacher of Distinction Series guest preacher at both morning services of worship was the Rev. Dr. Tom Long whose sermon was entitled The God We Get. 


Between March 28th and 30th, Dr. Crittenden held three confirmation classes for eleven teens aged 12-18. They also met at Dundas Street Centre United Church for the Good Friday service of worship, and at Metropolitan United Church for all other Easter services. Together they explored the essence of their faith and how it shapes their lives. On Easter Sunday March 31st, everyone celebrated Confirmation at our 11:00 a.m. service of worship. 


Metropolitan United welcomed the Very Reverend, the Honorable Dr. Lois M. Wilson to both Sunday morning worship services on April 28th, our United Church Women’s Sunday. Dr. Wilson’s sermon addressed Mourners and Midwives. Dr. Wilson is the first woman to be appointed Moderator of the United Church of Canada (1980-82), an elected President of the World Council of Churches (1983-1990) and former independent Senator in the Parliament of Canada (1998-2002). Dr. Wilson is a Companion of the Order of Canada (2004), a recipient of the Pearson Peace Prize (1985), a prolific author and has been awarded numerous honourary degrees and distinctions.

A choir of auditioned Choristers between the ages of eight and seventeen was formed at Met United in 2013. They received very high marks and were praised for the beauty of their singing in April at the Kiwanis Music Festival, London. After a summer break, the Choristers began rehearsals once more on September 12th. Then in the evening on December 20th, we celebrated Metropolitan’s first Annual Service of Nine Lessons and Carols when the Choristers sang “the music and mysteries of the Christmas Season.” 


In the second week of May, Dr. Crittenden participated in the London Conference Mission and Service Bike Ride from Owen Sound to London. 

Metropolitan United hosted the London Conference Celebration of Ministries service beginning at 7 p.m. on May 25th. Ministry candidates were either commissioned, ordained, or readmitted into Ministry in the United Church of Canada. Dr. Crittenden invited everyone at Met United to join in the celebration. Dr. Crittenden later extended his gratitude to everyone in our congregation and to our staff for their “leadership and hospitality.” “Comments about how friendly, welcoming and caring our congregation is echoed throughout the Conference,” wrote Dr. Crittenden in his thank-you note that appeared in our Metro News


The Rev. Dr. William H. Willimon was our guest speaker at a conference, hosted by Metropolitan United Church, on Saturday, October 26th.  The conference theme was God’s Move Into the World. Will Willimon is one of the most widely published authors in the Protestant churches. He is a bishop in the United Methodist Church, Professor at Duke Divinity School in Durham, North Carolina, and pastor of Duke Memorial Methodist Church, Durham, North Carolina. Using the Acts of the Apostles, Will Willimon focussed upon the church as the peculiar, lively, essential way that the living Christ moves to reclaim the world for God.

Rev. Dr. William Willimon was our Dr. John Bruce Hunter Anniversary series guest preacher on Sunday, October 27th. His sermon at both worship services addressed Metropolitan Church Through Rose-Coloured Glasses.


On Sunday, December 8th, Metropolitan United Church welcomed the Right Reverend Gary Paterson who was elected Moderator of the United Church of Canada at the 41st General Council in Ottawa on August 16, 2012. Ordained in 1977, he has served in all kinds of ministry and participated in the life of the national church in many different ways.  Rev. Paterson preached at both morning worship services on Preparing the Way.