Historical Events & Highlights



Dr. Crittenden was on study leave in mid-May and attended a conference on homiletics in Minneapolis, Minnesota.


On June 19th, Trinity Sunday, Dr. Crittenden led our worship services as we welcomed The Very Rev. Kevin J. Dixon, Dean of Huron and Rector of St. Paul’s Anglican Cathedral as our guest preacher at both services.


Our guest preacher, the Rev. Peter Hartmans, shared in Metropolitan United’s 11:00 a.m. worship service on Sunday, July 3rd with Dr. Crittenden and Rev. Herb Summers. Rev. Hartmans’ sermon was entitled The Dance. As Executive Minister, Rev. Hartmans provides leadership, counsel and support for the Shining Waters Regional Council and Canadian Shield Regional Council. 

Metropolitan United Church welcomed Michael Kooiman, Minister at Central United Church in Weston, Ontario, to our July 17th Sunday morning worship service where he preached on The Galilean Job. Michael had been a minister for 21 years and tended to serve congregations on the edge of downtown with a commitment to community outreach. He is passionate about preaching and completed a Doctor of Ministry degree on his sermon title. 


Sunday September 11th marked the launch of two new worship services at Metropolitan United Church. Water’s Edge started at 9:30 a.m. and is a family-oriented 45-minute service, reflecting the beauty of life as it is found at the water’s edge. Sometimes we gather at the shore and the mood is calm and peaceful. At other times, the shoreline broods beneath a dark and tumultuous sky. Ikon, open to everyone but aimed at the younger crowd, commenced at 6:30 p.m. (until 7:30 p.m.) and featured Metropolitan United’s praise band. Ikon focussed on offering cutting-edge music, theology, and an inclusive community for all who gathered. Metropolitan’s steadfast 11:00 a.m. worship service has continued for those who prefer a more traditional liturgy. Dr. Crittenden invited everyone to join him at the Water’s Edge on this day, Sept. 11th, and each coming Sunday when together everyone can embrace the fullness of worship in an ever-changing world.

On Sunday Sept. 18th, Metropolitan United welcomed Rev. Dr. William J. Danaher, Jr., Dean of the Faculty of Theology at Huron University College, London, Ontario, to our service of worship. A gifted and award-winning preacher and published author, Dr. Danaher (also known as Father Bill) has previously served as Theologian in Residence at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, Ontario. Father Bill holds an undergraduate degree from Brown University, a Master of Divinity from Virginia Theological Seminary and Masters and a PhD in Religious Ethics from Yale University. On this Sunday, Rev. Dr. Danaher was pleased to share an exciting announcement with Metropolitan United’s congregation. Dr. Crittenden preached, with his sermon title being But, I Was Here First!

As a member of the Multi-Faith Social Action Coalition of London (formerly called the Religious Social Action Coalition), Metropolitan United Church organized an All-Party (Political) Candidates’ meeting on Thursday, September 22nd at 7:00 p.m. at the London Muslim Mosque, London, for the purpose of profiling the issue of poverty in the upcoming election in 2011.

The Multi-Faith Social Action Coalition is a non-partisan group from a broad array of faiths united in their religious commitment to call upon candidates running in an election (Oct. 6, 2011), and their political parties, to commit themselves to working to abolish poverty in our society. Members of the Multi-Faith Social Action Coalition purported that poverty should be a concern to everyone. They encouraged people to participate and support their mission to eradicate poverty by attending the All-Party Candidates’ meeting (Sept. 22nd), and by making poverty a factor when they cast their ballots in the October election.


Our Dr. John Bruce Hunter Anniversary Series guest preacher on Sunday, October 23rd, was the Reverend Dr. Peter Short who was a sponsor for Dr. Crittenden’s call to Metropolitan. Dr. Short was ordained by the Maritime Conference of the UCC and retired in Fredericton, NB. He was also the 38th Moderator of the United Church of Canada (UCC) from 2003 to 2006. Concentrating his experience in congregations that were in a linguistic or cultural minority over many years gave Dr. Short prolonged exposure to perspectives other than his own. He worked with First Nations people in the North and served as chaplain at the Canadian Forces Northern Area Headquarters (referred to as Joint Task Force North in 2011) in Yellowknife. He received an Honorary Doctor of Divinity degree from the University of Victoria.

In consultation with our Music Director Dr. Gregg Redner, Dr. Crittenden established mCAMP (Metropolitan Children’s Arts and Music Program) for children aged three to thirteen. The new program began on Wednesday October 5th and featured a rotating monthly schedule which included singing, bell ringing, dance, art lessons and drama on Wednesday evenings beginning at 6 p.m. Occasionally the group performed at Sunday morning worship services. At the end of 2021, Dr. Redner decided—in consultation with the Music Committee and Dr. Crittenden—that the time had come to end mCAMP. 

On Sunday, October 30th, Metropolitan United celebrated its 188th anniversary. This date was also the day that we recognized the Communion of Saints and Reformation Sunday. Dr. Crittenden invited everyone who had not already done so, to write the names of loved ones who had “gone before us” into Metropolitan’s Book of Names. This tradition has continued annually (as at 2022) at Metropolitan, with more names being added to our Book of Names, and a continuous flow of names displayed on our two screens in the Sanctuary at an appropriate time during our 11:00 a.m. worship service. 


At Metropolitan United Church on Saturday, November 26th, world renowned Jesus scholar, Dr. Dominic Crossan, offered a two-part lecture where 140 people participated. In preparation for the Dr. George Goth Lecture Series with Dr. Crossan leading the event, Rev. Dr. Jeff Crittenden and Mr. Eric Ross, a member of Metropolitan’s Board of Elders and former teacher and school principal, led a four-week study during November of Dr. Crossan’s book God and Empire. On Sunday, November 27th, Dr. Crittenden preached at the 9:30 a.m. worship service, and Dr. Crossan preached on the topic of Justice As Love at Metropolitan United’s 11:00 a.m. worship service. 


Metropolitan’s first video to be posted on our website was recorded on Sunday, December 11, 2011, and it featured the Christmas Pageant. The first recorded traditional worship service was on Sunday December 18, 2011, with Dr. Crittenden’s sermon entitled An Unexpected Explanation (For more details, please see The Digital Age under OUR STORY on Metropolitan’s website.)