The Centre West Lancets

Main Floor: West Side

The architecture of Metropolitan provides symmetrical locations for pictorial stained glass. For example, there are three, large windows in the gallery, (north, east, and west), and the east and west walls have two sets of two lancets which flank the larger windows.

On the main floor of the sanctuary, symmetrical placement of McAusland windows is equally obvious. The six lancets in the Narthex (north wall) present the ministry of Jesus, from the Annunciation to the Resurrection. The six east lancets display His life from childhood to resurrection. The six west lancets are really three sets of two comprising scenes from His ministry. Matching the east windows, this set is topped with crowns and shields.

Admiring the windows from north to south, the first two lancets present Jesus and two travellers on the road to Emmaus. The text is “Abide with us for it is toward evening and the day is far spent”. The shields depict the Alpha and the Omega – He is the beginning and the end. They were donated in memory of George and Jane McBroom, by their family, in 1965.

The middle windows show Mary and Martha entertaining Jesus. Martha is setting the table, and the text says, “Mary sat at Jesus’ feet and heard His word”. Note the detail of the village through the window. The shields show a cross and an anchor, an early symbol for safety and hope. The windows are in memory of Robert and Mary Dowler and were installed in 1963.

The set completes with the two south lancets. The scene is the Beatitudes. Villagers are listening intently to a preaching Jesus. “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God”. The symbols on the shields are of a scroll and quill representing the word, and a lamp which is trimmed and burning. Gertrude Cole presented these windows in memory of family members in 1963 and 1965.