Historical Events & Highlights
Rev. Dr. Jeff Crittenden traveled to Israel where he led a pilgrimage with 44 others.
At both worship services on February 8th, our Rev. Dr. R. Maurice Boyd Preacher of Distinction guest preacher was The Right Reverend Robert Franklin Bennett, the Anglican Bishop of Huron between 2008 and 2016. “Bishop Bob” as he was called, held curacies at Chesley and Windsor and incumbencies at Simcoe, Port Ryerse, Kitchener, and Brantford – all in Ontario.
Our Metropolitan United Church roofing contractors, Roof Tile Management, began preparations to replace the roof on our church building. In the summer months, a brand-new slate roof over 80% of the roof areas was installed, the main tower was completely re-coppered, some lights were added to the tower, brickwork was repointed, stone facings were repaired, and all woodwork was sanded and repainted. As recommended in 2012 by IRC Building Sciences Group Inc., the flat roof section of our church building was redone in 2013 by contractor Temple & Gooder Roofing Corporation.
On May 23rd, more than 350 people attended an evening event, Raise the Roof Ragtime Concert and Auction with Dave Hoy and The Railway City Ragtime Band featuring Met United members Cam and Heather Stevens. The auction and concert at Metropolitan were great fundraising successes for the Take It From The Top campaign for a new roof on Met United’s church building. More than $12,778.21 was realized.
Rev. Dr. Crittenden completed his role as President of London Conference for the 2014-2015 years.
Our Rev. Dr. Crittenden invited everyone to join him at the Celebration of Ministry service hosted by London Conference and Metropolitan United Church on June 6th. New candidates for ministry were either ordained or commissioned depending on the stream of ministry they chose.
In September 2015, former Mayor of London Matt Brown, along with representatives from the London Muslim Mosque, Islamic Centre of Southwest Ontario, Muslim Association of Canada London Chapter, and Metropolitan United Church, raised money to sponsor several Syrian families through Lifeline Syria with the goal of having the families settle in London. “Metropolitan United Church is eager to join with others to help in this time of crisis. We need to focus on three aspects in particular: helping to bring stability to the area that people are fleeing from; helping those through the time of transition and finally, welcoming families into the London community,” Rev. Dr. Jeff Crittenden said in London’s news release.
This initiative was well supported with donations in excess of $28,000 that were raised at Met United in just 2 weeks! At the 11 a.m. worship service on September 27th, we welcomed Mayor Brown and Val and Jerry Reid, members of London’s Byron United Church with whom Metropolitan United partnered in this initiative. Our guest speakers updated everyone on their activities in relocating Syrian families to London and thanked all contributors for their generosity. Metropolitan was a leader in organizing a collective city-wide response to the Syrian Refugee crisis in 2015. Metropolitan United Church alone raised more than $60,000 in support of helping Syrian families in distress find safety and freedom in London.
Our Rev. Dr. George Goth Lecture Series hosted the Rev. Dr. Cleophus LaRue event on Saturday, October 24th. Dr. LaRue, Professor of Homiletics at Princeton Theological Seminary in New Jersey, addressed The Shape of Christianity in the 21st Century followed by The Now and Future Church in his two morning lectures. In the afternoon session, Dr. LaRue specifically addressed the topic of Congregational and Worship Leadership. Rev. Dr. LaRue is a much-published author and editor, and a frequent speaker at churches, seminaries, and conferences. For our Rev. Dr. Hunter Anniversary services on Sunday morning Oct. 25th, our guest speaker Rev. Dr. Cleophus LaRue, preached during both worship services on What Fear Can Do.
The official ceremony for the historic lighting of our newly renovated church tower took place on Wednesday October 28th at 7:30 p.m. at Met United. Our Jubilate Bells group started the celebration with a presentation in the Sanctuary. Following this performance there was singing and refreshments in the Great Room. Guest speakers expressed appreciation for donations to support this project. A piper then led us outdoors to see the lighting of our magnificent church tower. This lighting event signified the first time in 119 years that our wonderful church had been illuminated. Dr. Crittenden thanked everyone who came out to celebrate the end of another stage of our renovation project which included new carpet, new roof, tower repair, some repointing and new lighting for the tower.
At Metropolitan United Church on Thursday evening, November 26th, the Rev. Dr. N. T. Wright (Nicolas Thomas) lectured to a large audience on The Bible and Tomorrow’s World. Dr. Wright, a renowned author and theologian, became Research Professor Emeritus of New Testament and Early Christianity at St. Mary’s College in the University of St. Andrews in Scotland until 2019 when he became a Senior Research Fellow at Wycliffe Hall at the University of Oxford.