Centre for Practical Theology

London, Ontario Canada

Welcome to the 

Centre for Practical Theology

Bringing together people, passion and practice

First Harvest of the Year

Fairmont Campus Garden had its first harvest of the year. 

The garden supported to donate 14.7kg of lettuce to the ARK AID Mission in London. The Misson, in the heart of London, prepares 100+ dinners seven-nights a week. 

Thank you to all our volunteers that support this amazing garden and the community around us. 

ReVITALize 2024 is coming to London

ReVITALize is a conference for ministry leaders and lay people to get together, refresh, learn some new things, be supported, build community, and get inspired. Speakers talk about what is revitalizing them now, and time is given for people to gather with friends and colleagues and meet new folks. People from all denominations and traditions are welcome to attend.

Sept 12-14, 2024

London, Ontario

Thurs, Sept 12: Pre-conference kicks off at CPT Fairmont Campus, a vibrant missional congregation of Metropolitan in East London.

FOCUS - Congregational Growth, Innovation and Partnerships.

Fri, Sept 13th - Sat, Sept 14th: Conference Join us for two days packed with insightful discussions and inspiring experiences. We will begin our day Friday live on Zoom from 10am-12pm, then welcoming you to Metropolitan United Church in London.

THEME – Deep Spirituality, Bold Discipleship, Daring Justice – Practically

Conference is $125 

Pre-Conference & Conference is $175

All registrations include snacks and lunch.

Please visit www.metropolitanchurch.com/revitalize to register. 

CPT/Huron University Online Certificate Program

Are you an experienced Designated Lay Minister (DLM) being ordained or commissioned in the United Church of Canada? 

CPT - Centre for Practical Theology has partnered with Huron University to offer a certificate program in United Church ministry studies. These online short courses are designed for experienced DLMs wanting to integrate their ongoing pastoral ministry with ordered ministry identity.


Using a synchronous intensive format, we're offering three continuing education courses with three experienced United Church clergy instructors. 


Preaching – Rev. Dr. Jeff Crittenden, Ph.D. is an assistant professor of practical theology at Huron teaching in the Huron@VST program. Jeff has a D.Min. in homiletics and is an ordained minister serving Metropolitan United Church.


Worship – Rev. Lisa Waites, D.W.S. has been delighted to lead and teach worship across diverse ministry and educational contexts, including the Vancouver School of Theology. She is a prolific composer and liturgist. Lisa is an ordained minister who has served the United Church in congregational and chaplaincy settings. 


Pastoral Care – Rev. Brad Morrison, D.Min., RP (CRPO) is an assistant professor of practical theology at Huron teaching in the Huron@VST program. Brad a registered psychotherapist and ordained minister serving Strathroy United Church.


Participants may enroll in one or all courses. Successful completion of the three courses earns a certificate in United Church ministry studies. Courses may also be used towards the Licentiate in Theology (L.Th) diploma offered by Huron.


Contact Brad Morrison (bmorri49@uwo.ca) for more information about course schedules and fees.

Save the Date

The Centre for Practical Theology is delighted to announce reVITALize is returning to London, ON in September.

Thurs, Sept 12: Pre-conference kicks off at Fairmont Campus, a vibrant missional congregation of Metropolitan in East London. 

FOCUS - Congregational Growth, Innovation and Partnerships.

Fri, Sept 13th - Sat, Sept 14th: Join us for two days packed with insightful discussions and inspiring experiences at Metropolitan United Church, London, Ontario

THEME Deep Spirituality, Bold Discipleship, Daring Justice - Practically

Speakers will be announced soon! Follow CPT on Facebook and Instagram to receive all the up to date information on speakers, registrations and more!

Sponsor a Vegetable Bed!

Support Fairmont Garden's Sustainable Initiative! Here is your chance to make a difference in your local community. 

Sponsor one of Fairmont Garden 50+ vegetable beds and be a part of our mission to promote sustainable agriculture and food security.

For your $200 sponsorship, you'll receive regular updates and photos on the bed you support. Plus, you're welcome to visit anytime and see your impact firsthand!

Contact the MET office today for more information on how to sponsor.

Our Founder and Director is a published author! 

Four years of hard work and research has culminated into Leisure Resurrected written by Jeff Crittenden. 

As the church emerges from the impact of COVID, how will it reimagine its mission? With all the disruption COVID caused comes an opportunity for congregations. How will the local church organize itself, engage with the neighborhood and world, and offer pastoral care to a planet dealing with the significant issues heightened during COVID? Returning to old patterns of behavior is a wasted chance. A theological opportunity for the church lies in rediscovering the classical aim of leisure. The early church during the first two centuries offers us an understanding of leisure quite unique from the dominant expressions of leisure, such as Greek schole, Roman otium, and the Jewish Sabbath. By exploring early Christian practices, we can find insights about leisure for mission today. These practices include setting aside a single day of the week to worship, sharing in a common meal open to all, and, following the meal, incorporating into nonwork time care and engagement in the health and vitality of the community in the name of Jesus Christ. The followers of Jesus were consistent, if extraordinary, in meeting weekly, on the Lord's Day, to worship, eat together, and go out into the neighborhood to live out their faith.

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