

Thank you for visiting. Leisure Resurrected is four years of research. My passion. 

I have always been fascinated by the ancient world. Through its thinking, its stories, history and culture. I have been on pilgrimages with hundreds of you, through the geography. I wanted to explore what could be gleaned from the times before the church became the official religion of the Empire.  What insights could we ponder, in our leisure, from the early Christian communities in a vibrant and colourful background. 

This is my first book and I am truly overwhelmed with gratitude! 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at leisureresurrected@gmail.com

My book is currently available for purchase online:

$10 from every book purchased goes towards outreach programs throughout Canada, US and UK. Your purchases have contributed to $10k raised for this community based projects. Thank you!

Upcoming tour Dates

Book Launch

We had the pleasure of meeting so many lovely faces throughout London, Burlington, Montreal and at the ReVITALize Conference in Halifax to share Leisure Resurrected. Here are a few photos from those events.