Squishy Turtle

This Squishy Turtle project is a test print from Thingiverse in 2017, when I had my first delta 3D printer at home. The results were quite satisfactory. I printed 12 of them with various colours and all the different shells. Repetier Host was the slicing software used and the layer height 0.2 mm presented good quality using eSUN PLA+ filament.

These cute turtles are originally printed for teaching about Turtle Geometry in my VRMath2.net application. But when shown to a Grade 5 student, he made a poem for these turtles.


Red, black, pink and blue,

Each quite easy to unscrew,

Blue, red, pink and black,

Walking 'round, their little track.

Short, stubby, even legs,

Remind us all of little eggs,

Spiky, smooth and swirly Shells,

Full of rough and bumpy cells.

Small, black, beady eyes,

Look like tiny, crusty pies,

Flat, scaly, rough stomachs,

Sagging down likes stretchy hammocks.

Red, black, pink and blue,

You belong, right in a zoo,

As bright and old, as a myrtle,

You are nothing but a turtle.

Written by

Chayse Sheather, Year 5, Brisbane Grammar School.

What a nice poem, don't you think? Who knows that 3D printed objects could engender such creative writing.

And, yes, if you have counted, there are only 11 turtles in the picture above. The missing one is another story.

Blogged by Andy Yeh, 2019.