Otto Upgraded Robot

On this project, there are two upgraded OttoDIY Basic robots. Watch the videos below for their actions.

Ottobot Touch

Ottobot Touch LED

OttoDIY Basic is an open source robot. It provides 3D models (STL files) of the robot body parts that can be 3D printed, and has detailed manual instructions including the electronic parts and their assembly. Based on the basic model, I added a touch sensor as the first upgrade, then added a 7-LED light for the second upgrade. The parts could be purchased on eBay with quite affordable price. Below are the sensor and LED I used (and soldered with dupont cables).

TTP223 touch sensor

WS2812 7-LED

Below is a picture of all parts required for an Otto Touch LED robot. Note that the body (white in the picture) part has been modified to better fit the LED and the switch. You can download the STL file here, or the TinkerCad file (merge all).

If you are interested in making one, you can start from downloading the OttoDIY basic models and instructions. I have also photographed the steps of building one as below, hope they help. The steps below are for the Ottobot touch LED. If you only have the touch sensor and do not have the LED, you may ignore the LED steps.

After assembly, the first program to load should be the calibration program provided by OttoDIY. I prefer using the Otto_Calibrationserial_V9 to calibrate. Note that in the above assembly, the servo pins are changed to 4~7. So before you load the calibration program, remember to change the line in setup to:

Otto.init(4, 5, 6, 7, true, A6, 13, 8, 9); //Set the servo pins and ultrasonic pins and Buzzer pin

After calibration, you need to download the library NeoPixelBus by Makuna in your Arduino IDE. Then, depending on which robot you built, you may want to try my codes below.

Please leave a comment below if any or for any questions.