King David

Epic fail, or it is?

I printed over 10 hours and found out it failed at about 94% completion. I tweeted this incidence for everyone's comment in Twitter, or you may leave a comment at the end of this page.

King David

Long ago,

In ancient times,

Back before the Idaho.

"There lived a king,"

With all the Bling,

Whom operated solo.

He took over Jerusalem,

And ruled for 40 years,

He took over Jerusalem,

And killed all of his pears!

Long ago,

in ancient times,

back before the Idaho.

"Their lived a king"

with all the bling,

whom operated solo.

He took over Jerusalem,

and ruled for 40 years,

he took over Jerusalem,

and was killed by one of his peers!

Written by

Chayse Sheather, Year 5, Brisbane Grammar School.

Another one will be printed soon, and hopefully it can be successful.

This is a valuable learning experience. From failed printing, I get better ideas about how to print successfully.

Thanks to Chayse for your creative writing.