Eye animatronic

By Andy Yeh

Human eyes are complex organisms and delicate.  To make robotic eyes there are generally some directions to achieve, such as realistic look, mechanical movements, and visual functioning etc.  Making eye animation model is rich in learning about science (biological structure), engineering (mechanical movement), technologies (electronic controls), and mathematics (measurement and codings). It can be a STEM activity suitable across a range of educational levels from primary, secondary and to tertiary. Below is a video of an eye animatronic project I remade, following the instructions from https://www.instructables.com/DIY-Compact-3D-Printed-Animatronic-Eye-Mechanism/. This project in fact could be seen as three projects - Customised joystick, Realistic eyeball, and Eye animatronic (this project you are reading).

Here are some photos during the making.