Space Box

Similar to the Catapult, the Space box was created for the class EUB101 Teaching in new and emerging contexts. This assessment required groups of 3-4 to design a lesson using a 21st century technology for school children. It then had to be presented as if the group was giving a professional development session to a group of teachers.

The task our group created was a mock scenario. The scenario was that NASA had approached the students and asked them to create a box to hold nuts and bolts on the international space station. This tasked was designed for students in years 8/9. This task allowed the students to be creative while also using there critical thinking skills to comply with the requirements given by NASA.


The design stage where students would plan the box.


The 3D model of the box after it was created


Tnkercad was used to design the box and repetier Host was the software used to create the g-code.

TEVO - Little Monster

The TEVO little monster 3D printer was used. This is a delta printer with the bed temperature set to 60°C and the Nozzle was set to 210°C. This was a simple print with support only required for the letters and the draw handle. It had a really nice finish

Blogged and made by Mitchell Blashak, 2019.