Maker Corner

The Maker Corner project is an initiative (in-progress) by the KG Library, QUT Foundry and MakerClubQUT to promote maker education that fosters creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. This Maker Corner is located at level 2, R Block (Library building) in front of the QUT Foundry, at Kelvin Grove Campus. Below are some photos of this space, before becoming the Maker Corner.

This space will gradually be turned into a Maker Corner -- A place to showcase maker projects and engage in making. This page will record the evolution of this space as time goes.

The showcasing of maker projects will be themed and will engage different maker groups to display their projects and promote their creativity and innovation.

At this early stage, the makerclubqut has planned to introduce 3D printing and showcase some popular 3D models available from Thingiverse by a Taiwanese author Amao Chan. Below are some photos of his model printed.

[3D models designed by Amao Chan]

The author Amao Chan has a professional website at, where you can find descriptions and videos of his work. More professional 3D models can be purchased from his website.

The design of these 3D animal models is ingenious. It takes trans-disciplinary STEM knowledge and skills, creativity, artistic quality, time and experience to model and design. It is one of the main aims of maker education and makerspace to enable and empower makers to come from an inspired novice to become a confident and competence creator, designer and innovator.

Further, from printing these models, another set of trans-disciplinary STEM knowledge and skills are required. There is very rich problem-solving in the digital fabrication process of these models (from slicing, printing, post-print modelling and assembling), as well as the educational connections to the school curriculum. These need to be documented and disseminated to benefit wider communities and our next generations.