
Last year for the Halloween as usual, we looked for some 3D models to print, and this Jack-o-lantern was found on Thingiverse, and we printed some in difference sizes, as gifts and display in our makerspace.  During Halloween, we would place a battery powered LED light in it to add some myth and fun. Later, when we investigated into wireless power, we decided to incorporate a wireless charging pad so we do not need to worry about batteries.

Wireless power is common these days such as we use wireless power to charge our mobile phones. A wireless charging pad can also be as cheap as A$10. I first encountered a video on youtube showing how easy a coil with two LEDs could flash on top of a wireless charging pad. However, the flashing may be ok for the Jack-o-lantern but what if we want a steady light on a charging pad?

There are many useful informaion online and I found this playlist on YouTube by atomic14 very useful.


With required knowledge and materials, we could make a wireless lighting for the night.

What do you like to make with a wireless LED light? Leave a comment below to let us know.