
MeArm is an open-source, 4-servo desktop small robotic arm. I found a few resources online and put together my first working robotic arm. First, there are a few MeArm projects available on Thingiverse. I chose this one and 3D printed the two files with all parts.

Second, assembly is quite time consuming. I found this instructable (MeArm 0.4) useful.

To assemble, a few M3 metric screws and nuts are required. The instructable above has the details of requirement. Of course, 4 servos such as SG90 are required. In my assembly, I used 4 MG90S (upgrade version of SG90) servos instead. Below are some photos of the assembled MeArm.

Third, a microcontroller is required to control this 4-servo MeArm. I used an Arduino Nano, a PCA9685 (I2C servo driver), 4 knob potentiometers, and a 4 x AA battery power to control MeArm. Thanks to this Dronebot Workshop, the wiring and programming are fully explained and downloadable.

Below are some photos of the electronics.

Finally, let's take a look of the MeArm in action.

This MeArm is more about demonstrating concept of a robotic arm. At the moment, it can be controlled manually only. It may be controlled by specifying angles to the 4 servos, and/or through some remote / macro controls. But I will leave those to other better built robotic arms in the future @MakerClubQUT.

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