Maker Projects

Here we collect some initial projects we print, remake, tinker, and/or design.  Our maker projects are not necessarily the original design from our club members. We believe that there is great value in reprinting, remaking, and tinkering existing projects. Together with our own design, we are improving ourselves in problem solving, creativity and innovation.

Overtime, as we include more and more projects in this website, we will further classify these projects into categories. At this early stage, we are listing some of our projects just to show case here.

The Immerse Yourself event (23-07-2019)

During this event, the MakerClubQUT puts up a 3D Printing show with many maker projects that are not listed above.

The video on the left was taken after the event before packing up. If you see interesting projects in the video, please leave a comment below to let us know.