Topic: Learning the Queen's Gambit

Joint Event by LSMS and LMC


Topic: The Real World of Imaginary Numbers


   Topic: Quantifying the Molecular Beauty


Topic: Pinhole Camera and Perspective Sketching


Topic: Let’s play maths - interactive explorable from geometry to A. I


Topic: Rational Tangles


Topic: Continued Fractions and Rational Approximation 


Topic: Principle of Least Action 


Topic: First Steps to the Cosmic Distance Ladder 


Topic: When Ruler Fails 


Topic: Probability, Intelligent Decisions and their Applications 


Topic: Greek’s Ways of Doing Algebra – Straight-Edge and Compass Construction”


Topic: Chaos: How complexity can arise out of simple mathematical rules 


Topic: Buffon’s Matchsticks and the number  (Pi) 


Topic: Learning Math from Relation


Topic: Measuring distances using trigonometry 


Topic: Numbers 


Topic: Games and Graph 


Topic: Geometry in a Curved Space


Topic: Charisma of Infinities


Topic: The Josephus Problem 


Topic: Magic of pigeonhole principle 


Topic: Sets, Relations, and Functions 


Topic: Arithmetic operation and Numbers 


Topic: Proofs without words 


Topic: Geometrical Symmetries 


Topic: Games and Puzzles


Topic: Doughnuts, Coffee Cups and More…
