"A reasonable probability is the only certainty" - Edger Watson Howe.

Presenting to you our latest episode of LUMS Math Circles titled "Probability, Intelligent Decisions, and their Applications" by Dr. Ijaz Haider Naqvi (EE, LUMS) and Dr. Hassan Jaleel (EE, LUMS).

The session started with the story of Marilyn vos Savant, who was an American magazine columnist who has the highest recorded intelligence quotient (IQ) in the Guinness Book of Records. Dr. Ijaz Naqvi described the story of a problem linked with  "Ask Marilyn," a famous Parade magazine Sunday column, wherein she solves puzzles and answers questions on various subjects, popularizing the Monty Hall problem in 1990. Dr. Ijaz Naqvi demonstrated various data processing methods and their effect on decision-making through small problems. He explained the theme of the Monty Hall problem through props, and participants' experienced it in a fun-oriented interactive manner they will never forget.


Dr. Hassan Jaleel started with an explanation of the mathematics behind decision-making. He demonstrated small scenarios where different questions were asked of the participants and the data was collected in real-time. He used graphical simulations to show the ways how big data can help us in our daily life. The importance and role of staying unpredictable in games like "Rock Paper Scissors." Students could grasp many concepts of probability theory and decision-making used in Machine Learning and Data Analysis.


The session concluded with the distribution of participation certificates among participants. Around 50 participants from different schools and different cities attended this session. The participants were accompanied by their parents and teachers, everyone was thrilled and excited from the beginning till the end. Participants and parents applaud the efforts of both instructors for selecting the topic and presenting it in a very professional manner.

Special Thanks to LUMS LEARNING INSTITUTE for the venue.


Here are some highlights from the event:

For more pictures visit our Facebook page.


Dr. Ijaz Haider Naqvi,
Associate Professor, Dpt. of Electrical Engineering, SBASSE, LUMS.

Dr. Hassan Jaleen
Assistant Professor, Dpt. of Electrical Engineering, SBASSE, LUMS.