The Math Circles started from a small point. The circle is now growing bigger and inscribes our department of mathematics' desire to explode mathematical curiosity into the public and young aspiring scientists and engineers. I have followed the growth of this initiative. But I like to call this not just an initiative nor a campaign but a movement that can change the way our schoolchildren and their mentors think about the primacy of mathematics in learning and innovation. Spearheaded by the Chair of maths, an energetic soul we call Imran, (and we share a last name too), the idea has spurred national-level interest in the realm of mathematics. Interspersed with history, technology, mental acrobatics, and gamification, the manner in which Maths Circles arouse interest in curious minds is something you should never miss. The School of Science and Engineering happily owns this idea and would do its best to take it to any level desired. 

Dr. Muhammad Sabieh Anwar


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