Evolving Math Circles Outreach Culture

Our aim is to spread the culture of Math Circles outreach in all institutions in Pakistan. We organize experiential workshops for teachers to instill motivation for the math-outreach programs and value. These experiential workshops provide hands-on experience to participants in conducting math circles. We are building a network of Math-enthusiasts and providing them training and support to launch math circles independently at their respective institutes. 

We believe that recognizing the hard work and dedication of those who are striving to improve math education in Pakistan is crucial for building a strong and vibrant math community in the country. From teachers to students to volunteers, everyone who is involved in math circles plays an important role in fostering a love for math and developing critical thinking skills in the younger generation.

We will be featuring profiles of individuals and organizations who are making a difference in math education, sharing success stories and best practices, and providing resources for anyone who wants to get involved in math circles.

Join us in celebrating the achievements of those who are shaping the future of math education in Pakistan!

Helpful links and Resources for Teachers

Topics for worksheets - Some ideas

Counting problems | Pigeonhole principle | Ways of approximating Pi | Mental Math skills | Concept of primes and counting primes | Mathematical paradoxes | Infinity- through infinite sums | Algorithms building | Graphs and coloring problems | Graphs games and devising winning strategies | Nim and graph games and winning strategies | Trigonometry and its applications | Josephus problem and pattern recognition | Polynomials and coding | Chinese remainder theorem and related problems | Fibonacci sequences and related patterns | Finding roots of polynomial in a finite number systems | Collatz conjecture, Goldbach's conjecture and Kaprekar number | Peasant ways of computing sums | Number Theory- Lotus eaters | Constructing numbers using straight-edge and compass | Matchsticks Mania | Hat problem | Escape problem | Square-able Numbers | Card Games | Traceable graphs | Caesar’s Cipher | Cottage Problem | Cryptography and coding | Fibonacci sequences-building blocks | Pappus theorem - Putting trees in rows | Sieve algorithm for counting primes


Below you can find links to websites offering puzzling, interactive games and problems that help plan a Math Circles activity.

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