Mathematics is often perceived as a challenging and intimidating subject by many students. However, it can be made more accessible and engaging through various activities and props. We are popularizing mathematics through several ways in our activities such as math games, puzzles, and problem-solving challenges in a fun and interactive way. Moreover, we use different props to demonstrate mathematical concepts visually, making them easier to comprehend. By incorporating these activities and props, we make mathematics more appealing to students, sparking their interest in the subject and encouraging them to explore it further.  

At LUMS, we organize an annual celebration of the International Day of Mathematics. This event brings together students, faculty, and experts from various fields to recognize the importance of mathematics in modern society. Through stimulating talks and engaging activities, we aim to showcase the pivotal role of mathematics in areas such as science, engineering, economics, and finance. Our commitment to promoting and advancing the study of mathematics is a crucial aspect of our mission at LUMS, and we strive to inspire and motivate the next generation of mathematicians, scientists, and problem-solvers through this event. 

Highlights from the IDM celebrations:

Support Mathematics - Support Math Circles