Buffon’s Matcsticks and the number  (Pi) 

With each circle, the reward of accomplishment is indescribable in words. Mathematics shines in the eyes of young curious participants.


A side token of these circles is the ample opportunity to learn from other experiences, every colleague faculty member carries a "wow" factor that emerges when you engage in teaching to school kids.


I myself learned a lot by attending circles of other colleagues. Each circle has its own flavor, its own beauty and is loaded with a pedagogical pandora box. Learning from others is an aesthetic gesture of appreciation courtesy of these circles. Teaching development is a non-ending process and there is no end of learning, our departmental teaching will get an extra boost and support from this self-training mode. I am very much sure that in upcoming years, we will have an amazing treasure of enticing interactive fun-filled mathematical activities for other mathematics departments to follow in Pakistan. 


On the student's end, I received overwhelming responses from participants coming from various places in these circles. I am sharing here some glimpses of our last math circle with a testimonial (in the attachment) by two participants.

Huge round of applauses for Dr. Haniya Azam and Dr. Muhammad Usman for creating a super excited math circle on estimating the value of pi using different methods. All the participants were divided into five.

Here are some highlights from the event:

For more pictures visit our Facebook page.


Dr. Haniya Azam
Assistant Professor, Dpt. of Mathematics, SBASSE, LUMS.

Dr. Muhammad Usman, Assistant Professor, Dpt. of Mathematics, SBASSE, LUMS.