Geometry in a Curved Space

Inspiration is needed in geometry just as much as in poetry. (Alexander Pushkin)


Dr. Rizwan Khalid and Dr. Syed Moeez Hassan picked an enticing topic Geometry in a Curved Space for the math circle they conducted on January 21, 2022. Dr. Rizwan pitched in with the description of flat maps of spherical earth and bringing thoughtful insights in his expressional ways. He glided the participants from the flat to the spherical geometry, following the spirit of Euclid.

The laws of nature are but the mathematical thought of God. (Euclid) 


Measuring shortest distance between the two points on a curved shape is one of the core problems in mathematics and physics. In particular, one cannot understand the space and time unless he/she have the complete understanding of the underlined geometry. Dr. Rizwan and Dr. Moeez lead the participant to explore the changes by sketching circles and computing the ratios of circumference and diameter (that is π for a flat surface). So carefully, participants got familiar with the World of Non-Euclidean Geometry.  Dr. Moeez showed them the importance of the understanding of the geometry in a curved surface. He beautifully explained the concept of gravitational force described by the Einstein in simple elaborated ways.


It was another highly exploring, interactive and fruitful session where kids explored the shape of PRINGLES Chips, what they will always remember. Dr. Rizwan Khalid and Dr. Syed Moeez Hassan did a remarkable job and deserve huge applaud.   

Here are some highlights from the event:

For more pictures visit our Facebook page.

Dr. Rizwan Khalid
Associate Professor, Dpt. of Physics, SBASSE, LUMS.

Dr. Syed Moeez Hassan Assistant Professor, Dpt. of Physics, SBASSE, LUMS.