When Ruler Fails

"We must measure what can be measured, and make measurable what cannot be measured." ~ Galileo Galilei.


LUMS Math Circle held on 3rd Feb, 2023 focused on errors in measurements. Dr. Zartash Afzal Uzmi and Dr. Muhammad Hamad Alizai explained how errors in measurements can appear for a variety of reasons including systematic errors, instrumental limitations, human errors, and random errors. The session was fun-filled with measurements of different objects and recording errors in each measurement. Instructors helped students understand how these errors can affect the accuracy of measurements. They also demonstrate how to minimize these errors by using proper measuring techniques, instruments, and equipment. Additionally, they provided real-life examples to make the concept of measurement errors easier for students to understand.


The session concluded with the distribution of certificates among participants in a unique way where students must answer a math question in order to get their certificate.


Let these pictures indicate the level of enjoyment during the session.

For more pictures visit our Facebook page.


Dr. Zartash Afzal Uzmi, Associate Professor, Dpt. of Electrical Engineering, SBASSE, LUMS.

Dr. Muhammad Hamad Alizai, Associate Professor, Dpt. of Computer Science, SBASSE, LUMS.