Rational Tangles

Mathematics has often been associated with a rigid, analytical way of thinking that doesn't leave much room for creativity. However, as Sofia Kovalevskaya once pointed out, "It is impossible to be a mathematician without being a poet in soul." This sentiment was fully embraced by the participants of the LUMS Math Circle, who explored the fascinating world of rational tangles through an interactive and playful approach.

Led by Dr. Shaheen Nazir and Dr. Waqas Ali Azhar, the math circle delved into the concept of rational tangles, a unique and informal way of constructing numbers by tangling two strings or ropes. Through engaging demonstrations and challenging questions, the participants were introduced to the rules and principles behind rational tangles, and how these tangles correspond to rational numbers.

The "dance moves" of rational tangles, which include twists and rotations, proved to be a fun and effective way of untangling the ropes and exploring the intricacies of this mathematical concept. The participants were excited and amazed by the connections between the tangles and rational numbers, and how these connections could be manipulated through simple operations.

The spirit of John H. Conway, who advocated for a more interactive and playful approach to mathematics, was fully alive in this math circle. The participants were encouraged to approach math in a creative and unconventional way, leading to a deeper understanding and appreciation of the subject.

Here are some highlights from the event:

Dr. Waqas helping kids to understand Rational Tangles.

Participants fully immersed in the activity.

Dr. Shaheen Nazir explaining how to untangle.

Playing with Tangles.

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