Tipene O'Regan


At a time when we see daily headlines warning us of the number of children living in poverty in New Zealand I am forced to analyse… Why?

There may not be anyone in New Zealand who has done more to divert money away from the poor than Sir Tipene O’Regan. His specialty seems to be one of diverting money from tax payers straight into the pockets of the already wealthiest of corporations in New Zealand.

Whether it is by allegedly telling lies to the elderly investors of the collapsed Hanover Finance[1], he faces a possible lawsuit during 2015, or repeatedly raping the middle and lower class tax payers of New Zealand, by extracting ever more amounts of money for Ngai Tahu treaty settlements. Where ever there is the opportunity to make the rich richer, Sir Tipene is close by.

He has redefined the words “Full and Final Settlement” with regards to the FIVE full and final settlements Ngai Tahu have squeezed from New Zealand tax payers. Ngai Tahu sold most of the South Island to Australian’s before the Treaty was even signed in 1840. Governor Hobson had an undertaking to investigate these sales as a result of signing the Treaty, opening the way for Ngai Tahu to get back land they sold and sell it all over again. They subsequently sold most of the 15,121,483ha of the South Island again in 10 deals over a twenty year period from 1844 for a total of 14,750 pounds[2].

These events are all the more unbelievable when we realise that Ngai Tahu only went to the South Island in the mid 1700’s and with the aid of Ngati Apa they exterminated Tumatakokori who had confronted Dutch explorer Abel Tasman in 1642. They had annihilated the peaceful West Coast tribe who were the guardians of the greenstone that they then claimed as their own and they had killed and eaten the few Ngati Mamoe survivors whom Captain Cook had met in Dusky Sound.

Various complaints by Ngai Tahu since the first final settlement 1868 have led to other full and final settlements in 1906, 1920 and 1944. Payments of $20,000 a year in perpetuity were awarded to Ngai Tahu in 1973, the tribe's fourth settlement and a further $170 million pay-out in 1998, the tribe's fifth settlement. All this cash and land have resulted in Ngai Tahu’s net worth being close to $900 million and they will pass the billion dollar mark soon, perhaps with the next full and final settlement.

The most disturbing factor with these ongoing and fraudulent settlements is, like other tribes such as Ngati Toa, the land they sold was gained through extermination of men women and children. The money and assets they have received has been as a result of doing nothing more than stating that at least one of their parents happen to be of the Maori Race to the Waitangi Tribunal and asking for money and preferential treatment.

You would expect that this kind of ill-gotten wealth would pose problems in our society, particularly when the gains are invested in a corporation that claims charity status and invests only a tiny sliver back into anything which will address the poverty of its own or other people. And of course we do have big problems in our society, all people who are poor including those who identify as Maori are in desperate need of our help.

Despite Maori tribal elite having an asset base of some $37 billion dollars, people who identify as Maori are grossly over represented in all of the measures of a bad society. Poverty, prison and bad parenting are all huge problems for people who identify as Maori. What we are seeing is a direct correlation between the money laundering which began in 1975 with the inception of Waitangi Tribunal and the steadily worsening social statistics, particularly for Maori. Thirty years ago poverty was an issue for 14% of the population, today it is 17%[3].

The saviour of Maori Sir Tipene O’Regan couldn't care less though, he and others use the terrible plight of so called “Maori” people dealing with poverty as the reason to extract even more money to increase Maori influence. The result though, is that the statistics for poor people who identify as Maori continue to worsen in an awful downward social spiral. In a recent speech in Dunedin marking the Maori New Year he labelled anyone wishing to reverse this Maori influence as “Nazi Sympathizers”[4]

So, who is this self-professed Maori kaumatua who has been rewarded with a title by our Crown for this destruction of our society? Rather ironically in a similar manner to Ngati Toa who recently heard they would receive over $70 million in a treaty settlement which appeared to reward the wholesale genocide Ngati Toa carried out under Te Rauparaha’s watch in the 1820’s.

Born Stephen Gerard O’Regan, his father's side were poor West Coast Catholic Irish immigrants made good. Grandfather, PJ O'Regan, became a celebrated politician and Supreme Court judge despite not going to school until 12. His father, Dr Rolland O'Regan, was a Wellington surgeon.

He grew up in a Pakeha world, with his Pakeha name and later his Pakeha wife Sandra - they met 50 years ago at the Pakeha bastion, Victoria University. Sandra says they had lived all their lives in Wellington before moving to Christchurch. He did not change his name from Stephen to Tipene until he reached his middle ages.

Usually people who change their names, and particularly later in life do so to hide something. Often it is to hide the truth about the person and hiding the truth is plain deception. This is the same deception which may have Tipene facing lawsuits in respect to Hanover Finance.

Possibly the only other person in New Zealand to change his name from Stephen to Tipene in his mid 40s was Mark Stephens, the serial rapist who was known as the Parnell Panther[5]. I went to school with this sicko in Porirua and he has had many subsequent convictions for indecent assault and intimidation since his release from prison. He changed his name to Mark Tipene in his 40s for similar reasons to Tipene O’Regan, to alter the truth.

Altering the truth allowed Mark Tipene to place himself in situations where he could commit further crimes, usually against women, without people suspecting his motives. Mr O’Regan may have lost his Pakehaness for similar reasons.

Stephen O’Regan’s mother, Rena Bradshaw, was a Southlander who had ties to Ngai Tahu through the connection or rather the virtual extermination by Ngai Tahu of the Waitaha tribe. From what I can gather the local people in the area she lived were descendants of the Ngai Tahu invaders, Ngati Mamoe and Waitaha tribes.

Located in this area were several well-known Southland families such as the Whaitiri, Bradshaw, Te Au and Tupi families.

Interestingly enough the Waitaha nation goes back 2000 years according to Gavin Menzies. In the book “The Waitaha People” he states two hundred tribes of the Waitaha nation settled in New Zealand and were then decimated by the warlike Maori who invaded the island some 800 years ago as an eerie precursor of the Maori massacre of the Moriori in the Chatham Islands.

In 1995 a book by controversial author Barry Brailsford, Song of Waitaha: The Histories of a Nation, claimed that the ancestors of a "Nation of Waitaha" were the first inhabitants of New Zealand, three groups of people of different races, two of light complexion and one of dark complexion, who had arrived in New Zealand from an unspecified location in the Pacific.

The Waitaha, claim that they pre-empt the Maori and of course challenged the Waitangi Tribunal. Waitaha leader Rangimarie Te Maiharoa says the settlement will “extinguish customary rights and aboriginal title of our people”.

Which makes Sir Tipene O’Regan a New Zealander who is of Irish descent with a tiny connection, about 1/16th, to possibly the Waitaha Tribe who claim they are not Maori at all.

What! Not Maori at all.

Is this more deception from Stephen?

His Irishness would also explain his rather uncanny resemblance to the famous comedian Les Dawson, who was also of Irish decent. I encourage you to Google the two, they could be brothers.

And I wonder if the newspaper “The Irish Examiner[6]” would have run a story entitled ‘Irish roots help drive Maori hero to fight for justice’ in 2011 if they had known he may not be a Maori at all.

If Mr O’Regan is not a Maori at all this begs the question how can he state that he is?

As far as I am aware there is no current definition of what a Maori is. I have written a number of letters to the Waitangi Tribunal to ask them the definition, but they do not respond. SO, the answer is very simple, anyone can “state” they are Maori, it is just you will not be allocated privileges or extra rights via the Waitangi Tribunal unless you can prove at least one of your parents happens to be related to someone who has the teeny tiniest bit Maori (Maori: no definition).

There were no people known as Maori people in New Zealand until the 1850s, the term Maori, as a reference to people, was coined more than a decade after the signing of the Treaty. Before that date there were approximately 600 separate groups of people in a constant flux of war. These people had arrived from different lands, arrived at different times and some were not related at all except they were human. None were known as Maori.

Today the term “Maori” is a reference to self-identification by indoctrination. It is a religion and Tipene O’Regan is a Pastor in the church of Maori.

The following is a sublimely ridiculous example of how this Irish Pastor Stephen O’Regan delivers his Maori sermon:

Recently at the launch of the new book “Tangata Whenua” (People of the Land), a study of the history of Maori, we witnessed via YouTube( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=557Q3c5j75o ) Sir Tipene (Stephen) O’Regan stated the following

“I think one of the great challenges facing us is a really decent study of Pakehatanga. What makes the character of Pakeha, Pakeha. There is not just - non Maori. Because in my view Pakeha have now been here… THEY do not belong anywhere else now, THEY are indigenous to this place, THEY are acclimatised, THEY are here and the great challenge for biculturalism is that Pakeha are better able to articulate what being Pakeha is in this place.”

The context of his verbal diarrhea was in a room full of well-known separatists expounding the virtues of being a different race to everyone else i.e. Maori. Patricia Grace was there, an ex teacher of mine, and Rangi Walker both of whom lavish western ways of living but deny any other ancestry they may have other than Maori.

What O’Regan is saying is: Although he is a Pakeha and was raised as a Pakeha, has been married to a Pakeha for more than 50 years, his father was a Pakeha, he had a Pakeha grandfather and grandmother, he has no idea what it is to be a Pakeha. This is because he implies he is a Maori and in fact puts it out there to “Pakeha” to write this history of what it’s like to be a Pakeha.

This is yet more O’Regan deception, he knows more than most what it is like to be a Pakeha he is one, or at least is mostly one. He has hidden it with his name change and hopes we have forgotten.

This is the kind of racist nonsense that needs to be stamped out in New Zealand. There is no room in New Zealand for people who are intent on driving a wedge between humans who have everything in common, except that some a susceptible to the religious and false indoctrination by people such as Tipene O’Regan. There is no room for dishonest people who are having such a negative influence on our society.

Here we have the ex-chief negotiator for Ngai Tahu treaty settlements who is now stating Pakeha are also indigenous to New Zealand. While Pakeha may be every bit as indigenous as anyone else, I would like to know how this statement effects every treaty settlement in New Zealand’s history. How does this statement affect every dollar Ngai Tahu have extracted from tax paying New Zealanders or indeed how it affects the activities of the Waitangi Tribunal.

How can this man use the term “biculturalism” as the reason to separate people, when he is the perfect example of how a Pakeha is a Maori and a Maori is Pakeha.

Culture is the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society. Stephan O’Regan wears a suit, drives a car, watches TV, goes to the movies, uses a microwave like every other New Zealander. Yet he, apparently, belongs to a culture who cannot understand this way of life to the extent he advices the people who live this way to write a book about it. What sort of absurdity is this?

He is a stark reminder of the indoctrination of New Zealanders. He has fooled a generation into thinking there is such a thing as Maori and he has fooled us into thinking he is one of them. He has fooled us into believing this made up and apparently separate people that are alive today deserve more rights because of nothing more than who at least one of their parents are.


1. Hanover Finance trial a year away, Matt Nippett: Stuff 09.07.2014

2. Mike Butler Ngai Tahu Otago Daily Times 9 Oct 2013

3. Child Poverty Poverty Stuff December 2nd 2014

4. O’Regan’s Nazi sympathiser remark sparks complaint. Scoop 27th June 2013

5. Mob thrives in business. Stuff January 27th 2008

6. Irish Examiner Sept 14 2011 ‘Irish roots help drive Maori hero to fight for justice.

By Andy Oakley