

It has been said that a conclusion is what we arrive at when we get tired of thinking. Be that as it may, I sincerely hope that justice and some measure of contentment for all New Zealanders will eventually be achieved, but this will require more good will, more objectivity, and more willingness to penetrate to the heart of matters than is presently the case.

Concerning justice, a few words from Shakespeare are appropriate : -- "Use every man after his desert and who will 'scape whipping?

To summarise the central arguments of this essay:-- Most of the blame for the decline of international "modern society" must finally lie with the European peoples, for the simple reason that theirs is the leading civilisation of the present historical epoch, and they were the creators of this first truly global civilisation which now penetrates in myriad ways the four corners of the earth.

Serious social mistakes have been made by these peoples, particularly since the early 1900's as a result of materialism (as a philosophy ) and ensuing extreme socio/political ideologies. The pandemic spread of ultra Left-wing, secular humanistic type mentality in particular has been the main cause of the rapid moral/social decline which has characterised Western society over approximately the last 100 years.

A specific mistake with regard to colonisation has been to disregard the differing states, or stages of consciousness which exist contemporaneously among the worlds different racial groups. World colonisation however, was no mistake, it was an evolutionary necessity, a matter of destiny and responsibility, and the means by which the germinal beginnings of a unified humanity was created. Global conflicts may seem to contradict this but are the result of attitudes and forces quite unrelated to colonisation per sec - and we are not at the end of history. Furthermore, the scientific and technological advances beginning in the fifteenth century which provided the indispensable basis for world colonisation, also sprang initially from European consciousness and provided unprecedented scope for mistakes and moral dilemmas which were completely out of the question at any other time in history, or for earlier peoples and civilisations. Therefore, only a person completely ignorant of world history could believe that any other civilisation or culture is in a position to take the high moral ground in this regard, and this is certainly true of the New Zealand Maoris. The radical element of Maoridom has always existed, but has only become a serious social problem in recent years as a consequence of indoctrination and certain ethical failures on the part of factions within the majority European population which I have tried to describe, and which have allowed, and encouraged, the gross misuse of the treaty of Waitangi. This radical element has had a highly detrimental effect upon Maoridom and New Zealand society as a whole and while it continues to be given credibility it will continue to do so. That fact these things are either not understood, or are seen as matters of indifference and not taken into account has been highly instrumental to the present sad state of social and racial affairs.

I said at the beginning of this essay that I would address the false premises upon which a significant part of Maori grievances, European support of such grievances, and consequently the treaty claims themselves, are founded. This is what I have tried to do. I have tried to place the colonisation of New Zealand into its correct world and historical setting, so that it is seen not merely as a chance event of human caprice, unrelated to the rest of world and human development, but as an intrinsic and necessary part of this ageless evolutionary drama. It is only from such a perspective that it can be properly understood, and such an understanding must be the starting point for the process of acceptance and reconciliation.

The truth of any matter is only seen when we step back from a narrow and personal involvement to a position where the full picture comes into view. We must find the honesty to admit that we only experience the full reality, and therefore the truth of anything in life when we are willing to consider it from all possible perspectives, and in its proper context. To see any object or problem from all angles we must move our position. A cliché it may be, but no human problem can ever be truly resolved without a measure of brotherly love.

However, it is enormously helpful if this indispensable human quality is combined with a full and clear understanding of the problem at hand.

Sometime in the future, when people have finally suffered enough, and the mists finally begin to clear, we will look back upon this time of racial/treaty madness with the same sense of bewildered disbelief with which we currently regard the moral and mental aberrations which caused social catastrophes of the past.

"They whom the Gods wish to destroy, they first make mad". Thus goes the ancient aphorism, and there is no lack of historical precedents to prove the point. Depending upon ones belief - "life", "the world", or "God", will always forgive a certain degree of human error. Yet there has to be a limit. There is no way that society can for much longer survive the currently prevailing level of social blindness of which the racial/treaty madness is a good example. We have no excuse, our very humanity should disqualify us from such foolishness on pain of consequences too severe to bear thinking about. Unless clear, rational and disciplined thinking wins the day, social ruin awaits us.

If this essay is read in the same spirit in which it was written it will not be misunderstood. It will be seen that my criticism of Maori radicalism and political correctness is intended to be constructive.

My purpose could not be misunderstood more tragically than to believe that I do not wish the Maori people well, but I believe that the present radical attitudes and tactics will sooner or later rebound upon them.

Some of the thoughts I have offered may be seen as overly arcane or irrelevant to "real life" today. This assuredly, is not the case. Simplistic, one dimensional, partisan thinking has been the cause of many world problems, but it can never be the solution.


Thank God our time is now

When wrong comes up to meet us everywhere

Never to leave us until we take

The greatest stride of soul

Men ever took.

Affairs are now soul size

The enterprise is exploration unto God.

Where are you making for?

It takes so many thousands of years to wake.

But will you wake for pity's sake?

A Sleep of Prisoners : Christopher Fry.