Hugh Barr

Dr Hugh Barr of the Council of Outdoor Recreation Associations of New Zealand is a risk analyst.

Tribal assault on NZ's best fishing coasts looms

This article updates information on the National Government’s highly controversial 2011 Marine and Coastal Area (MACA) Act, that allows Maori tribal privatisation of the foreshore and seabed, through gaining Customary Marine Title (CMT) over these priceless resources. The Act is the brainchild of pro-Maori Treaty Claims Minister Christopher Finlayson.

It is now more than four years since this Act came into force. over forty highly optimistic and large claims have been lodged by tribal groups, generally in areas with highly productive fisheries e.g. along the eastern coasts of the North Island from Wairarapa to Cape Reinga.

But no CMT titles have yet been awarded. However, now that the National Government has been returned with 59 MPs in the 121 seat Parliament, and a comfortable majority assured on this issue by the two Maori Party MPs, Finlayson can now push claims through without hindrance.

This is regardless of whether the Claims meet the specific conditions required by the Act. As a consequence, the Office of Treaty Settlements (OTS), which manages MACA claims, is now scuttling around the country encouraging tribal claimant groups to lodge claims before the April 2017 expiry date.....

Continue reading Dr Hugh Barr's NZCPR foreboding guest commentary here >